General Education Learning Outcomes and Skill Development

City University of Seattle graduates exhibit professional competency and a sense of professional identity.

Our graduates bring to the workplace the contemporary knowledge and skills intrinsic to success in their professions. They understand the basic values and mission of the fields in which they are working. They are able to use technology to facilitate their work. They have an understanding of basic technical concepts and are able to demonstrate understanding through practical application.

City University of Seattle graduates have strong communication and interpersonal skills.

City University of Seattle graduates are able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. They are able to interact and work with others in a collaborative manner as well as to negotiate difficult interpersonal situations to bring about solutions to problems that benefit all involved.

City University of Seattle graduates demonstrate critical thinking and information literacy.

City University of Seattle graduates are able to think critically and creatively, and to reflect upon their own work and the larger context in which it takes place. They are able to find, access, evaluate, and use information in order to solve problems. They consider the complex implications of actions they take and decisions they make.

City University of Seattle graduates demonstrate a strong commitment to ethical practice and service in their professions and communities.

City University of Seattle graduates take responsibility for their own actions and exhibit high standards of conduct in their professional lives. They are aware of the ethical expectations of their profession and hold themselves accountable to those standards. City University of Seattle graduates are also active contributors to their professional communities and associations. They are informed and socially responsible citizens of their communities, as well as of the world.

City University of Seattle graduates demonstrate diverse and global perspectives.

City University of Seattle graduates embrace the opportunity to work collaboratively with individuals from a variety of backgrounds, and to learn from the beliefs, values, and cultures of others. They realize that varied viewpoints bring strength and richness to the workplace. City University of Seattle graduates demonstrate an awareness of the interrelation of diverse components of a project or situation.

City University of Seattle graduates are lifelong learners.

In a world where knowledge and skills must be constantly updated, City University of Seattle graduates are self-directed and information literate in seeking out ways to continue their learning throughout their lifetimes.

Through this combination of course requirements and embedded outcomes, CityU ensures that it offers undergraduate students exposure to the breadth of knowledge that characterizes general education, and the opportunity to learn the skills and abilities that are essential to engaged citizens in the twenty-first century.