Program Information

Change of Major

Students may request a change of major by contacting an advisor. Students must meet any additional admissions requirements that differ from the original program of study. Since courses function differently in the fulfillment of different majors, students who request a change of major should be aware that the resulting redistribution may result in additional course requirements. Students enrolled under U.S. veterans benefits should note that a change of major must be reported by the University to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Second Major in an Undergraduate Degree Program

Students who want to complete a second major in an undergraduate degree program must complete all coursework required for that major. If residency requirements for the degree have been met within the first major (45 upper-division quarter credits taken in residence at CityU), no residency requirements apply to additional majors. However, students must complete the capstone course for the second major at CityU if any.

Examples of a second major in an undergraduate degree program:

  • Bachelor of Science (degree) – General Studies (first major) and Project Management (second major)
  • Bachelor of Arts (degree) – Education (first major) and Applied Psychology (second major)

Second Emphasis in a Graduate or Undergraduate Degree Program

Students who want to complete a second emphasis in any degree program (undergraduate or graduate) must earn all credits required for the emphasis. There is no additional residency requirement.

Examples of a second emphasis in a degree program:

  • Bachelor of Science (degree) – Business Administration (major) – Marketing (first emphasis) and General Management (second emphasis)
  • Master of Business Administration (degree) – Finance (first emphasis) and Global Management (second emphasis)

If all majors or emphases in a degree program are completed at the same time, they are listed on one diploma. However, if the second major or emphasis is completed at a later time, a second diploma will be issued to document completion of the second part of the program.

Exceptions to this policy may be made by the appropriate school dean.

Transcript/ Diploma/ Certificate Wording

Transcript Wording for Degrees

When degrees are posted, the wording on the transcript includes the degree, major, minor, and emphasis, as applicable. When a student has completed an individualized study emphasis within the program, the specialty of the emphasis is named. Academic honors are also listed.

Diploma Wording for Degrees

A diploma is the official document issued after a student has completed a degree program. The wording on diplomas includes the name of the degree, the major, and either the minor or the emphasis, in that order. If a student has earned both a minor and an emphasis, only the minor is listed. Individualized study emphases are named. The terms major, minor, and emphasis are not used.

Academic honors are signified by the addition of a special label designating the specific Latin honor (summa cum laude, magna cum laude or cum laude) for an undergraduate program, and indicating Honors for a graduate program.

Examples of diploma wording:

  • Associate of Science / General Studies (degree/ major)
  • Bachelor of Science/ Marketing/Management (degree/major/minor)
  • Bachelor of Arts/ Applied Psychology/ Criminal Behavior (degree/ major/ emphasis)
  • Bachelor of Science/ Business Administration/Individualized Study-General Management and Marketing (degree/ major/ emphasis with individualized study specialty)
  • Master of Business Administration (degree)
  • Master of Education/ Guidance and Counseling (degree/emphasis)
  • Doctor of Education/in Leadership/Higher Education (degree/major/concentration)

Wording for Certificates

An official certificate is issued by the University when a student completes a certificate program. For completed undergraduate and graduate certificate programs, the wording on both transcripts and certificates includes the academic level and the major. On the certificate itself the term major is not used. For example:

  • Undergraduate Certificate/ Marketing
  • Graduate Certificate/ Project Management

Conferral Dates for Degrees and Certificates

Whenever a degree or certificate is posted to the student’s academic record, a conferral date is also posted. The conferral date is the date on which the University deems that the student has officially completed the program of study. CityU confers degrees and certificates four times per year, on the last day of each academic term: March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31. In most cases, a student’s degree or certificate conferral date is based on the term in which the student was registered for the final course(s) required for the program of study. Students who complete a degree before the end of the term may have degrees conferred on the date of completion within the term instead of the final day of the term, in compliance with government reporting requirements. Exceptions apply if the final course extends beyond the term of enrollment and the student has been given a temporary grade of Y, or if the student has been given a Z for a course (military leave of absence). In these cases, the conferral date is based on the term in which the course was actually completed rather than the term in which the student registered for the course.

Students whose final program requirement is completed via transfer credit from another institution are given a conferral date based on the latest term of enrollment, whether that enrollment was at City University of Seattle or the other institution.