CAPS Expenses and Financial Aid

(See Tuition and Financial Aid in the 2018-19 Catalog for additional information)

Tuition & Fees

The CAPS Program Tuition & Fees below apply to the 2018-2019 school year. Please note that all tuition and fees are subject to change at anytime when circumstances so warrant.

Tuition (per credit hour) $415.00
Activity & Services Fee, per semester $50.00
Technology Fee, per semester $55.00
Parking & Grounds Fee, per semester (All Students) $30.00
Late Registration Fee $250.00
Returned Check Fee $30.00
* Graduation Fee (Non-Refundable) $130.00
Payment Plan Enrollment, per semester $40.00
Payment Plan Late Fee $20.00

* The graduation fee is applied at the beginning of the semester in which graduation is anticipated. This application fee is applicable for one year. After this time, students who have not completed their degree requirements will be removed from the graduation list, and they must reapply for graduation, as well as repay the graduation fee.