CAPS Class Attendance Policy

Accelerated hybrid courses meet for “in-class” and “online” learning; therefore, students are expected to attend all in-class sessions and to participate in all online sessions as required by the instructor. Failure to do so may be considered an unexcused absence without prior approval by the course instructor. An absence is defined as (1) failure to attend a face to face class session and/or (2) failure to submit at least one piece of graded online coursework in a given week. In the case of major emergencies (including but not limited to: serious illness/injury, military deployment and work-related travel) the professor may assign extra course work for the student. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with professor about any circumstances that conflict with class attendance. If a student accumulates two or more unexcused absences during an eight-week term, the final grade can be lowered a letter grade at the discretion of the professor.

Tardiness disrupts the class and disturbs other classmates; therefore, punctuality for all classes is essential.