2022-2023 Catalog

Withdrawal from a Course

The basic responsibility for withdrawing from a course rests with the student. Students who withdraw from a course during the Drop/Add period receive no notation on their record.

  • Students withdrawing from a course after the Drop/Add period, up to and including the date indicated on the academic calendar as the last day for course withdrawals (W grades), will receive a grade of W.
  • Students withdrawing after this date but on or before the date indicated on the academic calendar as the last day for course withdrawals (WP/WF grades) will receive either a grade of WP (Withdrawn Passing) or WF (Withdrawn Failing). The grade will be determined by the course instructor. A grade of WF is computed in the academic average as an F.

All students seeking to withdraw from a course after the end of the Drop/Add period and before the course withdrawal dead- line are required to complete and sign a Drop/Add Form and provide evidence of having notified both the course instructor and their academic advisor of their intent to withdraw. Evidence of notification may be in the form of either a faculty/advisor signature on the Drop/Add Form or a printed copy of an e-mail from the faculty/advisor attached to the form demonstrating they have been notified. Completed Drop/Add Forms are sub- mitted to the Registrar’s Office or the South County Center.

Students should be aware that course withdrawal may affect their eligibility for financial aid, Social Security benefits, veterans’ benefits, loans, etc. Since a student may be required to repay a portion of the aid money received earlier in the semester, check with the appropriate office/agency before withdrawing. While the W or WP grade in no way affects the grade point average, the Student Standing Committee will review the over- all academic performance of those students who have more than one W/WP in a semester or more than two W/WPs in an academic year. The committee has elected to suspend or place restrictions on students who abuse the withdrawal privilege.

Electronic Withdrawal from a Course

BCC will now allow students to withdraw from a course, prior to the end of the Drop/Add period, by sending an e-mail from their BCC student e-mail. Students can always drop one or all their classes, prior to the end of Drop/Add, by using WebAdvisor through MyBCC and are encouraged to do so.