2022-2023 Catalog

Auditing Courses

A student who audits a course registers for the course but does not intend to receive credit for the course. Attendance requirements for audit students should conform to the instructor’s policy for the class as a whole, unless other arrangements are made between the auditing student and the teacher.

Students who audit a course are normally not required to complete work assignments, take tests or fulfill laboratory requirements. However, the auditing student(s) may request to be allowed to participate in such activities.

Some courses may not be appropriate for auditing.

Students who wish an audited course to appear on their transcript as an audit must register for the course, indicating “audit” on the Registration Form.

Students who wish to change from audit to credit must complete a request form available from the Registrar’s Office (F-111). The same is true for students wishing to change from credit to audit. These changes must be done before, and no later than, the mid-term grade date.

Financial Aid cannot be used to pay for audited courses. A student who has previously received financial aid for a course being changed from credit to audit may be liable to repay a portion of the aid received.