2022-2023 Catalog

Academic Suspension and Probation

Academic Standing

Academic standing is a measure of a student’s progress toward degree or certificate completion. A student must meet certain criteria in order to maintain good academic standing and complete their certificate or degree at BCC. A student is expected to maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA. A student earning below a 2.0 cumulative GPA will be placed on either Academic Probation or Academic Suspension as outlined in the chart below.

Academic Probation is a strong warning that academic performance is below recommended standards. A student on Academic Probation is encouraged to make significant improvement during the following semester. Academic Probation is recorded on the student’s official transcript.

Academic Suspension indicates a student does not meet academic standards for continued enrollment and is no longer eligible to attend and/or register for classes. Academic Suspension is recorded on the student’s official transcript.

The Academic Probation and Suspension processes are designed to support students in returning to good academic standing and meeting the requirements of their programs. The processes support students in utilizing available resources and developing strategies to successfully complete their courses.

A student is notified of the Academic Probation status via BCC student email. The student is required to meet with a Student Advisor Coordinator in the Academic Advising Center to create a plan for improved academic performance and register for appropriate courses. Performance in the coming semester is monitored by the Academic Advising Center.

A student is notified of the academic suspension via BCC student email. A student on Academic Suspension is removed from courses and/or prevented from registering for future courses by a registration hold placed on the student’s account. A student who wishes to be reinstated must complete an Academic Success Plan in conjunction with the Director of Academic Advising. This plan will outline the resources and strategies designed to support the student in returning to good academic standing and moving toward certificate or degree completion. A student may be reinstated under conditions set by and monitored by the Director of Academic Advising. The Director of Academic Advising will monitor student progress at the 4-week and mid-term points of the semester and make recommendations for continued success as appropriate.

Suspension and Probation Cumulative Averages

Suspension and Probation Cumulative Averages


Attempted Credit Hours (total of all credits attempted in courses taken at BCC)

Suspension Cumulative Average

Probation Cumulative Average



1.500 –1.749




45 or more

