2022-2023 Catalog

Fresh Start Policy

A student who has attended BCC, left the College, and then re- entered after an absence of at least two consecutive academic years may apply once for a “Fresh Start.” Under this policy, the student’s record, previous to the absence, is treated as if it were the record of a transfer student; that is, only courses where grades of C or better were earned will be applied toward graduation, and none of the grades will be computed in the cumulative grade point average.

A student may have no more than 45 total degree credits, including transfer credits, to be eligible for Fresh Start. Students must apply at the Academic Advising Center (F-117) to use the policy. Applications are considered by the Student Standing Committee, which recommends actions to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The student must have completed 12 new degree credits before a recommendation is made by the committee.

If there is more than one two-year break, the effective date of Fresh Start is at the discretion of the committee. Students should be aware that other colleges may not recognize Fresh Start grade deletions from cumulative computation.