Readmission and Change of Status

Any undergraduate student whose enrollment at Barry has been inactive for two or more consecutive semesters (excluding Summer terms) must submit a new application to the Department of Recruitment and Admissions online at This does not apply to students on an approved medical leave of absence. Those students should refer to the Medical Leave Policy section of this catalog. Readmission is contingent upon approval of the dean of the school in which the applicant was last enrolled, the dean of the school to which the applicant is applying, and the Associate Vice President and Dean of Students. If approved, the degree requirements in place at the time of readmission must be met, and the applicant re-entering Barry University is bound by the policies dictated by the current catalog.

The Undergraduate Application for Admission must be completed by the applicant and submitted to the Department of Recruitment and Admissions at least thirty days prior to the first day of registration for the semester of expected matriculation.

Students returning to the program after suspension or a leave of absence (other than approved medical leave) are bound by the regulations in place at the time of readmission. Any provisions or stipulations handed down by the Dean must be met before readmission will be approved.

Students who were enrolled as non-degree seeking students or guest students and who now wish to enter an undergraduate degree program at Barry must complete an undergraduate application. These applicants must meet the requirements for undergraduate admission by submitting all necessary credentials for the approval of the Department of Recruitment and Admissions.