Applicants for Admission

FRESHMEN APPLICANTS—Applicants who have never attended any college or university as a regular student; and applicants who have attended college, but who have earned fewer than twelve hours of transferable college-level credit from an accredited institution. Applicants who have taken dual-enrollment credits only are also considered freshman applicants.

TRANSFER APPLICANTS—Applicants who have earned at least twelve hours of transferable college-level credits at one or more accredited institutions.

NON-DEGREE APPLICANTS—Applicants who wish to earn credit but not pursue a degree from Barry.

GUEST APPLICANTS—Applicants who wish to secure credits to transfer to a college where they are already enrolled in a degree program.

READMISSION STUDENTS—Applicants who have previously been enrolled at Barry, and whose enrollment at Barry has been inactive for two or more consecutive semesters (excluding Summer terms).

INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS—Applicants who are not U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens. For purposes of admission and academic placement, applicants who have received their education outside the continental United States, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam, will be included in this category.