Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Specialization in Educational Management and Leadership (EdD)

The specialization in Educational Management and Leadership combines the conceptual, technical, and attitudinal competencies to prepare professionals that will hold leadership positions in the area of education. The curriculum responds to the most recent trends related to the preparation of educational managers.

Program Goals

  1. Contribute to the development and continuous progress of the organizations and educational institutions by means of training of effective and transformational leaders in the field of management.
  2. Train managers as leaders who denote a moral, ethical and intellectual practice.
  3. Develop managers as leaders in investigative, critical, reflective and evaluative capacity for the treatment of the managerial matters and their tangencies with educational, political, technological and socio-economic development.
  4. Develop managers as leaders with an ample mentality, who are receptive to change and innovations with a positive attitude to cultural diversity.
  5. Recognize the importance of continuous retraining as a vehicle for professional development.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

Graduates of the specialization in Education Management and Leadership of the Doctoral program in Education (EdD) will demonstrate the following competencies:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. the diverse factors that sustain the historical, philosophical, psychological and sociological evolution that frames educational management and leadership as fields of study.
  2. the socioeconomic, cultural and political factors that affect decision making of education management in diverse sociocultural contexts.
  3. the theories, approaches and methods that orient research in administration, management and educational leadership.
  4. the theories, the methodologic and technological approaches that orient planning and organizational development in educational systems management.


  1. Design, develop and implement programs of organizational development that attend to the needs of students within the framework of the corresponding institutional, cultural and social contexts.
  2. Design, develop and implement administrative models and approaches that consider pertinent research.
  3. Design, develop and implement evaluation processes of appropriate educational programs, in agreement with the diverse institutional, educational and sociocultural contexts.
  4. Realize educational research that advances knowledge in the areas related to educational management and leadership.


  1. Show a disposition for continuous learning with a transdisciplinary vision that foments the construction of a contextualized, globalized, receptive and reflective thought for educational management and leadership.
  2. Show receptiveness for creativity, change and innovation with emphasis on social, cultural and technological changes, that foment transformations of a socio-educational nature.
  3. Demonstrate an ethical conduct that considers the interests, problems and needs of all the sectors that make up the educational community.
  4. Demonstrate a critical and creative attitude in managerial and leadership practices that respond to the cultural and human diversity to promote social justice.

Requirements for the Specialization in Educational Management and Leadership

Core Courses
   Foundations 6 credits
   Research 9 credits
Specialization Requirements 18 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 6 credits
Operational Requirements 9 credits
Elective Courses 3 credits
Total 51 credits

Specialization Requirements in Educational Management and Leadership - 18 credits

EDUC 8500Models, Normative and Descriptive Theories in Educational Management and Leadership


EDUC 8530Leadership in Educational Management


EDUC 8550Contemporary Problems in Educational Management Seminar


EDUC 8560Evaluative Process in Management and Instructional Leadership


EDUC 8570Contemporary and Operational Approaches of Educational Management


EDUC 8575Public Policy in Educational Management and Leadership


Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 6 credits

Students will select two courses from the following:

EDUC 8505Information Processing in Educational Management


EDUC 8515Educational Management and Leadership Seminar


EDUC 8520Human Resources Management in Educational Institutions


EDUC 8545Planning of the Educational Budget


EDUC 8670Organization and Administration of Special Education Programs


EDUC 8690Assessment in Special Education and Transition Services


Students will select one (1 doctoral level) course to complete the three (3) elective credits.