PHYT 7382 Critical Inquiry II

A continuation of Critical Inquiry I with topics to include ethics of research, principles of scientific writing, components of the research proposal, experimental and non-experimental designs, concepts of statistical inference and data analysis using computer software. Selection of a professional project and submission of aproposal to the University Research Review Committee (URRC) will occur if required.Projects may take the form of: 1) assisting afaculty member with research; 2) developing and/or delivering an educational program for a targeted audience; 3) completion of a review on evidence-based practice in physical therapy; 4) a comprehensive review of the literature on a topic of choice; 5) compilation of a series of casestudies with strategic focusing on outcomes; 6)development of a product line in physical therapy; 7) other projects proposed by the student if it stimulates and enhances the student's learning. All professional projectsmust be agreed upon by the student's professional project advisor with expectations set for in a contract.



Session Cycle Description

Spring Session