College of Human Sciences and Educational Studies

The Master of Education degree is offered to those who are interested in professional improvement through graduate study and to those seeking professional certification and/or state licensure. Graduate programs are available in counseling and human development, reading specialist, gifted and talented, advanced kinesiology and sport and recreation management.

Certification programs are available in the areas of counseling and human development, gifted and talented education, master reading teacher and reading specialist education.

Professional Certification

  1. A student must hold the appropriate Texas Standard Certificate prior to completion of a Texas Professional Standard Certificate.
  2. It is possible for a student to earn a Gifted and Talented Supplemental Certificate and Master Reading Teacher Certificate and not meet the requirements for a master’s degree.
  3. To be recommended for a Standard Professional Certificate, the student shall be required to achieve a satisfactory level of performance on one or more of the credentialing examinations in the area(s) of certification. The content to be tested and the criteria for mastery is prescribed by the State Board for Educator Certification. A student who satisfactorily completes a certification program will be eligible to take the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES).
  4. The State Board for Educator Certification will conduct a criminal record review of all certificate applicants.
  5. All certificates must be applied for within three years of completion of certification requirements. If the three-year deadline expires, the student’s certification program may be reviewed by the program director. If the director determines the student’s program no longer meets current program requirements, additional course work may be required to update the student’s professional knowledge and skills before the student is endorsed to sit for the credentialing examination(s).
  6. To receive the Master of Education degree, a student must complete a degree program of at least 30 semester-hours (60 in counseling) as planned and approved by the graduate advisor.

Entrance Requirements


  1. Applicants for the Master of Education degree must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
  2. Students applying to the Gifted and Talented Education or Reading Education programs must present at least 18 semester-hours in professional education with a GPA of 3.0.
  3. Students who do not hold valid teacher certification or who have never been admitted to an approved teacher education program must satisfy all requirements for admission to the teacher education program if pursuing a program leading to teacher certification.

Leveling Work

A student who does not have adequate undergraduate preparation for the intended major will be required to complete appropriate leveling work. All leveling and prerequisite work must be finished before completion of 12 semester-hours of graduate work. All leveling work must be taken on the advice and approval of the student’s graduate advisor.

Note: Entrance requirements vary for the different master’s programs. See specific program sections for entrance requirements

Time Limit

All requirements for the Master of Education degree must be completed within five years from semester of initial admission.