Department of Workforce Solutions

Continuing Education, Corporate Training and Workforce Development Programs

610 Texas Street, Ste. 400, Shreveport, LA 71101

Continuing Education offers lifelong learning opportunities for the community and individuals interested in enhancing their quality of life through professional, cultural, and other leisure learning enrichment opportunities; which allow for personal growth and enjoyment. Programs and classes support diverse learning opportunities for the citizens of our service area.

*Non-credit classes offered during spring, summer and fall semesters:

  • Personal Enrichment
  • Certificate Programs
  • Professional Development
  • Computer Training
  • Certifications, License, and Exam Preparations
  • Online Programs

Corporate Training solutions are readily available to enhance and develop the skills of the local workforce to better meet the challenges of our local businesses and organizations. Top-notch trainers have real-world experience working with adult learners to deliver training solutions that can be implemented in the workplace immediately. The SUSLA Corporate Training model is designed to improve the health of local business and industry by meeting employees where they are through assessment, education, and skill-based programming. Corporate training helps our business clients achieve improved performance, morale, and revenues. The Incumbent Worker Training Program (IWTP) and the Small Business Employee Training Program (SBET) partners with SUSLA to assist business and industry in developing and upgrading the skills of their existing employees. See descriptions of both programs below.

Incumbent Worker Training Program (IWTP) was created by the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC), formerly called the Louisiana Department of Labor (LDOL), to assist business and industry in developing and upgrading the skills of their existing employees. The IWTP is a partnership comprised of the LWC, employers and training providers. As a training provider, Southern University at Shreveport (SUSLA) collaborates with Louisiana employers by assisting them in the completion of their application for funding, developing training curriculums and overseeing the training process and disbursement of funds after the employer’s application has been approved.

To be eligible for participation in the IWTP, businesses must have operated in Louisiana and contributed to the state's Unemployment Insurance System for at least three (3) years. Additionally, an employer or consortium of employers with similar needs must have a minimum of fifteen (15) employees to be trained.

The IWTP Small Business Employee Training Program (SBET) is designed to benefit business and industry by assisting in the skill development of existing employees through individual, standardized (off-the-shelf) training. Employers are reimbursed for tuition and required textbooks and manuals once the training has been completed and proper documentation has been submitted to the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC). Training costs cannot exceed $3,000 per trainee per state fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Funding is provided through the Incumbent Worker Training Account.

Workforce Development program is devoted to the development and delivery of critically needed training that leads to immediate employment, according to the needs of business, industry, and government agencies. Specifically, priority is given to the development and delivery of high-growth/high demand Industry-Based Certifications (IBC) to support the service area.