Student Support Services


Linda D. Frederick, LMFT – Director

Lake Campus Multi-Purpose Complex, Building B

Phone: (504) 286-5106


Cheryl Legohn-Tubbs - Academic Coach/Instructor

Logan Perkins - Academic Coach/Instructor

Kendria Jones - Study Skills Coordinator

Kathy Woods - Academic Coach

Sharon Walton - Office Manager

TRiO Programs

Student Support Services (SSS) is a TRiO program funded by the United States Department of Education and is designed to increase academic performances, retention, and graduation rates of eligible students. The Student Support Services TRiO Program serves low-income, first generation college students, and/or students with disabilities. Students must have an academic need, meaning that the student needs one or more of the services offered by the grant. The program is funded to service 313 SUNO students.

Participants receive instruction in “College Survival Skills,” which is a course designed to assist students as they matriculate through college. Subjects covered in this course include, time management, note taking skills, study skills, resume writing, career development, financial literacy, financial aid and scholarship information, and much more. Each student is assigned to a particular Student Support Services Academic Coach, who will serve a mentor and academic advisor.

Students are expected to adhere to the following:

  • Attend classes on a regular basis
  • Attend tutoring sessions
  • Attend sponsored cultural events
  • Attend scheduled counseling sessions
  • Get pre-advised by SSS Academic Coach
  • Complete FAFSA with Academic Coach
  • Attend financial and economic literacy workshops
  • Attend graduate school workshops
  • Be academically successful and graduate

    Who is eligible to receive services from the Student Support Services Program at Southern University at New Orleans?

  • Citizens, nationals of the United States or individuals who meet the residency requirements for Federal student financial assistance
  • Students enrolled at Southern University at New Orleans or students who are accepted for enrollment for the next academic term at Southern University at New Orleans
  • Students who have a need for academic support, as determined by Southern University at New Orleans, in order to pursue a postsecondary degree
  • Students who are (1) A low-income individual; (2) A first generation college student; and/or an (3) individual with disabilities

Comprehensive services that will ultimately lead to graduation include:

  • Academic Advising
  • Course Selection
  • Instruction in the SSS College Survival Skills course
  • Group/Personal Counseling
  • Math & Study Skills Tutoring
  • Structured Early Alert Detection for students
  • Career Assessment/Counseling
  • Assistance in applying to graduate school
  • Financial and Economic Literacy
  • Assistance in completing and applying for FAFSA
  • Cultural Enrichment Activities
  • Peer Mentoring

Academic need is determined by:

  • Low ACT/SAT scores
  • Low high school grades
  • Low admissions test scores
  • High School equivalency
  • Lack of educational/career goals
  • Lack of academic preparedness for college level course work
  • Need for academic support to improve grades in various courses

Educational Talent Search


Ruth W. Johnson, Director

Lake Campus Multi-Purpose Complex, Building B

Phone: 284-5445


Amelia B. Sellers, Assistant Director/Education Advisor

Brian A. Smith, Educational Advisor

Tramaine Spencer, Educational Advisor

Nkechi Murray, Office Manager

Program Description

The Talent Search (TS) program identifies and assists individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the potential to succeed in higher education. The program provides academic, career, and financial counseling to its participants and encourages them to graduate from high school and continue on to and complete their postsecondary education. The program publicizes the availability of financial aid and assists participants with the postsecondary application process. Talent Search also encourages persons who have not completed educational programs at the secondary or postsecondary level to enter or reenter and complete postsecondary education. The goal of Talent Search is to increase the number of youths from disadvantaged backgrounds to complete high school, enroll in, and complete their postsecondary education.

Types of Services

Services are provided by Education Advisor (EA) at McDonogh 35 and Lake Area target high schools as well as on the campus of Southern University at New Orleans. Tours of colleges, businesses and cultural activities, designed to expose participants to postsecondary opportunities, are provided throughout the year. Programs and activities are made available for students who are of limited English proficiency as well as for students from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary education, such as, students with disabilities; homeless youths; students in foster care or who are aging out of the foster care system or other disconnected students.

Additional Information:

Academic, financial, career, or personal counseling including advice on entry or re-entry to secondary or postsecondary programs. Two-thirds of TS participants much be low-income and potential first-generation college students. However, one-third may come from any social or economic group.

  • Education and counseling services
  • Referral to other academic and health services
  • Career exploration
  • Tutorial services
  • Information on postsecondary education
  • Exposure to college campuses
  • Financial literacy
  • Assistance in completing college admissions and financial aid applications
  • Assistance in preparing for college entrance exams
  • Mentoring programs
  • College/Cultural tours
  • Workshops for families of participants

Upward Bound Math/Science


Ruth W. Johnson, Director

Lake Campus Multi-Purpose Complex, Building B

Phone: (504) 284-5445


Shrylin Davis, Ed. D., Assistant Director/Academic Advisor

Akeva Johnson, Academic Advisor

Program Description

Upward Bound Math & Science (UBMS) provides services to students at McDonogh 35 and Lake Area target high schools and in the Orleans target area. It is designed to strengthen participating students’ skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) studies. The program also provides knowledge and information to participants for successful high school completion and postsecondary education completion in STEM programs.

Types of Services

Some services provided by UBMS include academic counseling and advising, tutoring, mentoring, assistance in completing college entrance and financial aid applications, exposure to academic programs and cultural events, career guidance, scholarship assistance, financial and personal counseling. The summer component provides a six-week non-residential, intense component for instruction in math, science, English, computer literacy, foreign language and other activities designed to prepare students for entry into postsecondary education.

Additional Information:

Two-thirds of UBMS participants must be low-income as well as potential first-generation college graduates. However, one-third may be either low-income, potential first-generation college students or students at high risk of academic failure. Equal access to educational resources and opportunities is provided to all participants.

The following criteria apply:

  • Has an interest in STEM
  • A Student between the ages of 13 and 19
  • A potential first-generation college student
  • A Student from a low-income family
  • A citizen or national of the United States
  • A permanent resident of the United States
  • A student who has a high risk for academic failure
  • A student with a need for academic support

Upward Bound


Ava Foy, Director

Lake Campus Multi-Purpose Complex, Building B

Phone: (504) 286-5397


Myeisha Keith, Program Coordinator

Program Description

Southern University at New Orleans operates an Upward Bound Program to serve ninety (90) eligible youths from the Louisiana Recovery School District of Orleans Parish in New Orleans, Louisiana. Selection of program participants will follow all federal guidelines, regulations and requirements. The target high schools from which participants will be selected are: Algiers Tech, George Washington Carver, Joseph S. Clark, and Landry/Walker. Eligible participants will also be selected who live in the target areas and attend other schools within the district.

The program works in conjunction with the university, target school district, target schools, agencies, and the community. established objectives are as followed; (1) academic performance minimum 2.5 GPA; (2) academic performance on standardized test; (3) secondary school retention; (4) complete a rigorous secondary program of study; (5) postsecondary enrollment; and (6) postsecondary completion.