Early Start Program

The Early Start program aims to introduce students to the idea of college and to develop in them the confidence to go to college through exposure to college-level work. Structured as a collaborative program between Southern University at New Orleans and various school districts in the greater metropolitan area, the Early Start program is an innovative program that provides high school students with a supported transition from high school to college and career. The program strives to develop in every student a tool kit of personal qualities and academic skills needed for success in school and career.

Purpose of Program

The Early Start Program is designed to offer college credit courses to 11th and 12th grade students who meet the requirements as mandated by the Louisiana Board of Regents. Students who are on track completed all required high school courses, passed LEAP and GEE, and have demonstrated the maturity necessary to matriculate in a university setting will be recommended by their counselors and approved by the principals for admission into the program. The Early Start Program offers an alternative for students who have two or more electives to complete their school day.

Requirements for Participation

  1. General Criteria
    1. Student must be currently enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade at a Louisiana public* high school.
    2. Student must be on track for completing the Regents/TOPS high school core.
    3. Student must have taken either the PLAN or ACT assessment and those scores are on file at the high school.
    4. Student must be in good standing as defined by the high school.
    5. Student must have permission from the high school and their parent/guardian to participate.
    6. Student must be enrolled in a course for which both college and high school credit is available.
    7. To continue enrollment in subsequent semesters/terms through this funding opportunity, student must have successfully completed prior Early Start Program courses. If the student resigns or withdraws from a course, the student must receive permission from both the high school and this University to continue enrollment in subsequent semesters/terms.
  2. Eligibility criteria to enroll in a College Level, Degree Credit Course
    1. College Level, Degree Credit Course: A course in an academic subject that generates postsecondary institutional credit and appears on the current Board of Regents’ Statewide General Education Course Articulation Matrix.
    2. Student must have a PLAN or ACT Composite score of at least 18.
    3. To enroll in an entry level, college level English course, student must (1) have a PLAN or ACT English sub-score of at least 18 or (2) meet the postsecondary institution’s pre-requisite requirements.
    4. To enroll in an entry level, college level Mathematics course, student must (1) have a PLAN or ACT mathematics sub-score of at least 19 or (2) meet the postsecondary institution’s pre-requisite requirements.
  3. Eligibility criteria to enroll in an Enrichment/Developmental Course
    1. Student must be in 12th grade. Enrichment/Developmental Course: An English or mathematics course that generates postsecondary institutional credit, but not degree credit, and is designed to prepare the student for college-level instruction.
    2. Student must have a PLAN Composite score of at least 14 or ACT Composite score of at least 15.
    3. Student must have a PLAN or ACT English sub-score of at least 14 to enroll in an English developmental course.
    4. Student must have a PLAN or ACT Mathematics sub-score of at least 14 to enroll in a mathematics developmental course.

Process for Admission

Interested students should contact their high school counselors for information regarding the process for admission to the Early Start Program at Southern University at New Orleans. Counselors will review student records to determine eligibility based on the criteria mandated by the grant’s procedures as defined by the Board of Regents. Eligibility requirements will be made available to all high schools within the Greater Metropolitan Area.

Once eligibility has been confirmed by counselors, students will be provided official documents which require signatures of parent or legal guardian indicating approval. The sequence of steps is as follows:

All documents will be submitted to high school counselors.

The Director of Admissions will obtain completed official forms from counselor.

Counselor and Director of Admissions, along with the student will determine course(s) in which student may enroll.

The Director of Admissions will submit to the Early Start Liaison, completed applications to be entered into the system.

The Director of Admissions will forward completed Early Start applications to the Registrar.

The Registrar or other designee as determined by the Vice-Chancellor of Academic and Evening & Weekend Affairs will enter courses for Early Start students in the University’s student information system.

*Private/parochial high school students are eligible to participate in dual enrollment courses; however, those students will not be funded by the state through the Dual Enrollment Program.