Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Policy on Guests and/or Associates or Passive Participation


Students are responsible for the actions of their guests and/or associates while on college property and at functions sponsored by the college and/or a registered student organization. Students are expected to educate their associates on college policies and encourage all associates to interact positively with all members of the college community.

Passive Participation

Passive participation refers to a student’s reasonable knowledge of and presence during acts of another prohibited by the college and outlined in the Code of Students Rights and Responsibilities. Students willingly participating, present, encouraging, condoning, and/or assisting others in committing acts prohibited by the college may be sanctioned to the same extent as if one had committed the prohibited act. Intent, control over environment and/or items, and ability to seek assistance for or report a violation will be considered in determining a finding of responsible/not responsible.

Students are encouraged to communicate reasonable expectations of combined living environment with roommates.

Students are strongly encouraged to seek assistance from a college official if they suspect prohibited behavior may or has occurred.