Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Appendix E: Fundraising and Sponsorship Policy for Students, Faculty and Staff


The primary fundraising function of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is organized and conducted by the Office of Advancement for the support of the mission of the College. College organizations, groups and teams may seek to fundraise or secure sponsorships for special events, projects and trips with permission. The following policy lays out the types of fundraising allowed and the process through which students, faculty and staff may seek approval.

Fundraising Policy for Student Organizations, Academic Teams and Athletic Teams

Recognized student organizations, academic teams and athletic teams may sponsor fundraising activities at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with approval. There are three different types of permissible fundraising activities:

  • Internal fundraiser events
  • External fundraiser events
  • Individual donor solicitation

Student organizations, academic teams and athletic teams must apply for approval of their fundraising project by submitting a SMWC Fundraising Request Form. A committee appointed by the President will review all requests. All organizations, academic teams and athletic teams must request approval for each fundraising event, even those that have been permitted in the past. Fundraising activities must be consistent with the mission of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and comport with all local, state, and federal laws and ordinances.

Individual students are not permitted to solicit gifts or sponsorships for personal causes in person or by email, phone, social media or crowdsourcing from SMWC students, SMWC faculty and staff, SMWC alumni, SMWC parents or individuals who represent corporations and/or foundations which support SMWC.

1.1 Internal Fundraiser Events

Internal fundraisers are defined as events sponsored to solicit gifts or sponsorships for internal organizational use (e.g., Ring Day, Wabashiki Clean-up, etc.). Student organizations, academic teams and athletic teams may use College facilities and resources to solicit gifts or sponsorships in support of their operations and activities with approval. To be considered, a proposal must meet at least the following requirements:

Contributions of cash or gifts in-kind made to internal fundraiser events cannot be considered tax deductible. Student organizations may not rely on the College’s tax exempt status in organizing or operating such an event.

The net proceeds of the fundraiser are to be dedicated only to funding the organization’s activities that comport with the organization’s stated purpose(s).

Door prizes, raffles, 50/50 drawings, lotteries, bingo or sweepstakes of any kind must be approved by the College. If approved, all games must adhere to state and federal gaming laws and be officially licensed by the Indiana Gaming Commission.

Student sponsored fundraisers may not include the usage and/or sale of alcohol.

The terms of all sponsorship agreements must be approved in advance by the Advancement Team.

The College’s name and logo usage on promotional materials may not be used without approval from the Office of Marketing and Communications.

All applications must be submitted for approval at least two weeks prior to the fundraising activity by completing a SMWC Fundraising Request Form.

1.2 External Fundraiser Events

External fundraiser events are defined as events sponsored by a student organization, academic team or athletic team to solicit gifts or sponsorships for charitable, tax-exempt organizations external to the College (e.g., student clubs or teams that raise funds for Riley’s Children’s Hospital, Providence Food Pantry, Catholic Charities, etc.). Student organizations, academic teams and athletic teams may use College facilities and resources to solicit gifts or sponsorships for an off-campus organization defined as tax-exempt charitable, educational, or religious under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3) with approval. To be considered, a proposal must meet at least the following requirements:

The proposed recipient must be an IRS-recognized 501 (c) (3) organization. A copy of the IRS determination letter verifying this status must be submitted with the application. All commercial or political activities or organizations, as well as unorganized or unrecognized public groups irrespective of their avowed aims or purposes, are strictly excluded as recipients.

The funds devoted to such purposes are to be confined to the net amounts realized from voluntary contributions made to such activity, and may not include any sums budgeted or allocated out of student activity fees, residence hall fees, or other general college revenues.

Contributions to external fundraisers must be made payable directly to the external charitable organization. Contributions may not be made payable to the College; nor will gifts be processed by the College for the benefiting organization.

Door prizes, raffles, 50/50 drawings, lotteries, bingo or sweepstakes of any kind must be approved by the College. If approved, all games must adhere to state and federal gaming laws and be officially licensed by the Indiana Gaming Commission.

Student sponsored fundraisers may not include the usage and/or sale of alcohol.

The terms of all sponsorship agreements must be approved in advance by the Advancement Team.

The College’s name and logo may not be used on promotional materials without approval from the Office of Marketing and Communications.

All applications must be submitted for approval at least two weeks prior to the fundraising activity by completing an SWMC Fundraising Request Form, and include a copy of the Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3) form obtained from that organization.

1.3 Individual Donor Solicitation

Individual donor solicitation is defined as asking for cash contributions, sponsorships or donations of goods or services from individuals which includes those who are SMWC students, SMWC faculty and staff, SMWC alumni, SMWC parents or individuals who represent corporations and/or foundations which support SMWC. Student organizations, academic teams and athletic teams may solicit gifts or sponsorships from individuals for an event, trip or project (e.g., dance-a-thons, etc.) with approval.

Approved donor solicitations must be done in concert with the Office of Advancement. To be considered, a proposal must meet at least the following requirements:

The net proceeds of the solicitation are to be dedicated only to funding the approved activities that comport with the organization or team’s stated purpose(s).

The terms of all sponsorship agreements must be approved in advance by the Advancement Team.

The College’s name and logo may not be used on promotional materials without approval from the Office of Marketing and Communications.

All applications must be submitted for approval at least two weeks prior to the fundraising activity by completing a SMWC Fundraising Request Form.

Solicitations of in-kind gifts (e.g., donations of gift certificates, products or services) must also comply with this policy.

Fundraising Policy for Faculty and Staff

SMWC faculty and staff who lead, advise or are members of college organizations, groups and teams may sponsor fundraising activities with approval. There are three different types of permissible fundraising activities:

  • Internal fundraiser events
  • External fundraiser events
  • Individual donor solicitation

All organizations, groups and teams may apply for approval of their fundraising project by submitting a SMWC Fundraising Request Form. A committee appointed by the President will review each request. All organizations, groups and teams must request approval for each fundraising event, even if they have been permitted to do so in the past. Fundraising activities must be consistent with the mission of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and comport with all local, state, and federal laws and ordinances.

Individual faculty and staff members are not permitted to solicit gifts or sponsorships for personal causes in person or by email, phone, social media or crowdsourcing from SMWC students, SMWC faculty and staff, SMWC alumni, SMWC parents or individuals who represent corporations and/or foundations which support SMWC.

2.1 Internal Fundraiser Events

Internal fundraisers are defined as events to solicit gifts or sponsorships for internal organizational use (e.g., Impact Committee, Athletic Teams, Sustainability Club, etc.). Faculty and Staff representing College organizations, groups and teams may use College facilities and resources to solicit gifts or sponsorships in support of their operations and activities with approval. To be considered, a proposal must meet at least the following requirements:

Contributions of cash or gifts in-kind made to internal fundraiser events cannot be considered tax deductible. These organizations, groups and teams may not rely on the College’s tax exempt status in organizing or operating such an event.

The net proceeds of the fundraiser are to be dedicated only to funding the organization’s activities that comport with the organization’s stated purpose(s).

Door prizes, raffles, 50/50 drawings, lotteries, bingo or sweepstakes of any kind must be approved by the College. If approved, all games must adhere to state and federal gaming laws and be officially licensed by the Indiana Gaming Commission.

Fundraisers that involve alcohol must follow all College rules and regulations.

The terms of all sponsorship agreements must be approved in advance by the Advancement Team.

The College’s name and logo may not be used on promotional materials without approval from the Office of Marketing and Communications.

All applications must be submitted for approval at least two weeks prior to the fundraising activity by completing a SMWC Fundraising Request Form.

2.2 External Fundraiser Events

External fundraisers are defined as events to solicit gifts or sponsorships for charitable, tax-exempt organizations external to the College. Faculty and Staff representing organizations, groups and teams may use College facilities and resources to solicit gifts for another tax-exempt charitable, educational, or religious off-campus organization as defined under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3) with approval. To be considered, a proposal must meet at least the following requirements:

The proposed recipient must be an IRS-recognized 501 (c) (3) organization. A copy of the IRS determination letter verifying this status must be submitted with the application. All commercial or political activities or organizations as well as unorganized or unrecognized public groups irrespective of their avowed aims or purposes are strictly excluded as recipients.

The funds devoted to such purposes are to be confined to the net amounts realized from voluntary contributions made to such activity and may not include any sums budgeted or allocated out of student activity fees, residence hall fees, or other general College revenues.

Contributions to external fundraisers must be made payable directly to the external charitable organization. Contributions may not be made payable to the College.

Door prizes, raffles, 50/50 drawings, lotteries, bingo or sweepstakes of any kind must be approved by the College. If approved, all games must adhere to state and federal gaming laws and be officially licensed by the Indiana Gaming Commission.

Fundraisers that involve alcohol must follow all College rules and regulations.

The terms of all sponsorship agreements must be approved in advance by the Advancement Team.

The College’s name and logo may not be used on promotional materials without approval from the Office of Marketing and Communications.

All applications must be submitted for approval at least two weeks prior to the fundraising activity by completing an SWMC Fundraising Request Form, and include a copy of the Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3) form obtained from that organization.

2.3 Individual Donor Solicitation

Individual donor solicitation is defined as asking for cash contributions, sponsorships or donations of goods or services from individuals, including those who are SMWC students, SMWC faculty and staff, SMWC alumni, SMWC parents or individuals who represent corporations and/or foundations which support SMWC. Faculty and Staff representing organizations, groups and teams may occasionally solicit gifts or sponsorships from individuals for an event, trip or project (e.g. Madrigal Tour, Equestrian Team equipment, Softball Championship travel, etc.) with approval.

Approved donor solicitations must be done in concert with the Office of Advancement. To be considered, a proposal must meet at least the following requirements:

The net proceeds of the solicitation are to be dedicated only to funding the approved activities that comport with the organization or team’s stated purpose(s).

The terms of all sponsorship agreements must be approved in advance by the Advancement Team.

The College’s name and logo may not be used on promotional materials without approval from the Office of Marketing and Communications.

All applications must be submitted for approval at least two weeks prior to the fundraising activity by completing a SMWC Fundraising Request Form.

Solicitations of in-kind gifts (e.g., donations of gift certificates, products or services) must also comply with this policy.