Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Appendix A: Housing and Residential Life Policies

These policies compliment the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Housing and Residence Life Contractual Terms and Conditions by clarifying and expanding on important information regarding living on campus. Understanding and complying with these documents is the expectation and responsibility of all students living on campus. These policies are designed for any student who resides on campus and any of their guests. Violations of these policies or policies contained in the aforementioned documents may result in disciplinary actions including sanctions, fines, contract cancellation, or removal from the college.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcohol is not permitted Le Fer Hall residential spaces regardless of person’s age. See the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Appendix D for all alcoholic beverages policies.


Students are expected to maintain the room in an orderly and sanitary condition. Students are responsible for cleaning private and semi-private bathroom spaces. If Student Affairs becomes aware of unsanitary conditions resulting from students failing to maintain the room, Housekeeping will clean the room and the resident(s) will be assessed a charge to their student accounts.

Community Living

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to community living. This includes demonstrating respect for people of all genders, races, religious preferences, sexual orientation, and ethnic groups. Any act or threat that submits a member of the College community to physical, mental, or emotional pain is prohibited.

Furniture in lobbies and common areas must remain in those areas and are not to be taken to student rooms.

Personal items are prohibited from being left in common areas. This pertains, but is not limited to blankets, pillows, clothes, or garbage of any kind.


The student shall use the premises and personal property and furnishings of the College in a careful and proper manner. Students are responsible for the condition of their room and its contents as well as common areas. Students will be charged for individual or group damage that occurs. When deliberate or accidental damage is not assigned to an individual or group, all residents of that living space (room, wing, floor, etc.) will share equal responsibility for the repair costs, and damage charges will be assessed to those student(s).

Throwing or dropping any items out of windows or from stairs is prohibited. Throwing items at windows or campus property is also prohibited.

Students are responsible for their own belongings when on campus. The college is not responsible for damages to or the theft of students’ personal property. Exceptions may be made for acts of God such as fire, flood, tornado, etc. or when college equipment is to blame.

Drugs and Illegal Substances

Drugs and other illegal substances are not permitted in Le Fer Hall. See the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities for all drugs and illegal substances policies.

Electrical Fixtures

Students may not remove or alter electrical fixtures or hardware.

The use of double and multi-socket extension cords are all strictly prohibited. Power strips that are UL (Underwriters Laboratories) approved and have a circuit breaker button in addition to an on/off switch may be used.

Emotional Support Animals

Student Affairs is committed to reasonably accommodate persons who require the assistance of an emotional support animal. However, Student Affairs is also mindful of the health and safety concerns of the college community.

To request approval of an emotional support animal, students should contact the Director of Learning Resource Center, ADA Advisor.

Failure to Comply

All residents are required to comply with the directions of Student Affairs Staff members acting in accordance with performing their duties.

All residents are required to comply with meeting requests from any member of the Student Affairs Staff.

Failure to comply may result in disciplinary actions including sanctions, fines, contract cancellation, or removal from the College.


Each student is issued the appropriate keys when they check-in. Keys are the responsibility of the student and are not to be given to others for use. A student is required to return all keys issued to them. A charge maybe assessed for any key needing to be replaced.

When a lost key necessitates changing one or more room locks, the student maybe responsible for the cost of the lock and key replacement.

It is a violation of state law and College policy to duplicate keys to any lock on College property.


Students are not permitted to paint their rooms nor alter the walls of their rooms or the hallways including doors.

Living Space Modification

Students may not make any modifications to their living spaces unless approved Student Affairs and Facilities departments. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Painting
  • Television wall fixtures
  • Permanent yard work
  • Carpeting
  • Hanging permanent shelving
  • Removing furniture from a room or common space

Meal Plan

The meal plan consists of two types of prepaid declining balance currency: Campus Credits and Pomeroy Points. Both Credits and Pomeroy Points for the entire semester are posted to individual’s account at the beginning of each semester. All Credits and Pomeroy Points left at the end of the semester will be forfeited.

Special Diets

A student with special dietary requirements (religious, medical, etc.) that cannot be fulfilled by individual selection from the menu choices provided should contact the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs for meal plan options.

Removing Food or Unauthorized Entry into Dining Halls

When eating in the all-you-can-eat location, it is required that meals be eaten in the dining facility unless participating in established take-out dining options (green sustainable to-go containers). Dining-in and to-go at the same time is not permitted. Students are permitted one piece of fruit and one ice cream. Removing additional food or beverages, dishes, or silverware from the dining hall or entering the dining hall without paying for the meal will be considered theft. Theft in the dining hall is a serious issue that will result in disciplinary referral to Student Affairs. Further repercussions may include cancellation of the Housing and dining contract.

Acts of horseplay, food fights, and inline skates are prohibited.

Medical Accommodations

If a student feels they have a significant chronic physical or emotional condition that may impact their housing assignment, they must contact the Director of Learning Resource Center, ADA Advisor and complete necessary documentation to receive consideration for housing contract preference.

If accommodation documentation is received after deadline date, housing preferences and/or roommate will be reviewed, but only taken into consideration as space permits.


The only pets allowed in Campus Housing are fish in tanks that are 5 gallons or less. Emotional Support Animals must be approved by the Director of Learning Resource Center, ADA Advisor and Associate Vice President for Student Affairs before they may be on campus.

Physical Violence or Harassment

Harassment of or violence toward any individual or group is prohibited. Please refer to additional information located in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Prohibited Items

The following personal items are prohibited in the Residence Halls

  • Air Conditioning Units
  • Appliances with exposed heating element including hot plates, plate-style candle warmers, toasters and toaster ovens, space heaters, George Foreman’s, etc.
  • Candles/incense/oil lamps (lit or with burnt wick).
  • Extension Cords that are not UL approved.
  • Lava lamps.
  • Halogen lamps unless they are equipped with a protective screen.
  • Microwaves
  • Hazardous Materials -Materials which are hazardous to the health and safety of residents are not permitted in Residence Halls. These include, but are not limited to, chemicals, gasoline, kerosene, tiki torch oil, propane tanks, as well as containers which have been used for storing these substances.
  • Explosives, including, but not limited to fireworks.
  • Knives with blades longer than three inches. The only exception is kitchen knives. However, any kitchen knife being used for purposes other than cooking may be confiscated.


Quiet hours are in effect every evening from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. during the week and 12:00 a.m. midnight –9:00 a.m. on the weekends. At other times, students are expected to exercise good judgment and consideration of other students regarding noise level.

Noise is defined as sound particularly sustained and readily audible in the private living spaces of other residents.

Devices designed to amplify sound to extreme levels (amplifiers, subwoofers, etc.) are prohibited in the Residence Halls.

Each floor has 24-hour courtesy hours. That is, any loud noise or distraction may not be compatible with a proper hall environment. Residents may always request that another student lower an inappropriate noise level.

24 hour quiet hours shall be in effect during Study Mondays and throughout all of finals week each semester.

Restroom Facilities

All restroom facilities are designated by gender. Designated restrooms or shower facilities are not to be used by members of the opposite gender.

College Facilities staff will need to close restrooms periodically to perform cleaning duties or maintenance. At this time, students may not use the facilities.

Students are expected to keep the restrooms of shared bathrooms or suites clean. Failure to do some may result in sanctions including fines.

Room and/or Roommate Changes

Students must work with their Resident Assistant (RA) if a room or roommate change is desired. Room changes will be made only if no other reasonable alternatives are available. Final approval for all changes is given by Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or her/his designee. Students who move without going through proper channels will be fined and must return to their original room immediately.

Room Furnishing and Decorations

Appliances –students are allowed to bring refrigerators within the specified sizes contained in the “What to Bring” brochure available online.

Room Decorations

Students are not permitted to put any holes in Residence Hall room surfaces, including walls, door, and furniture. This includes the use of nail, pins, thumbtacks, etc. If a student uses any adhesive material, they are expected to remove any residue completely prior to checking out. It is recommended to use Command Strips. Please be aware that products may damage painted or wood surfaces and the responsible student will be charged for any such damage that occurs.

Christmas Lights

Christmas lights may be used for decorative purposes in student rooms. Lights are limited to the indoor style and are to be kept to a minimum. Please exercise caution and care by not using extension cords and turning off lights when you depart your room.

Christmas Trees

Students may decorate with artificial trees only. Real trees are not permitted. Trees are not permitted in common areas or hallways.

Room Furnishings

Most rooms are double occupancy and contain two (2) sets of furniture. Both sets must be kept in the Residence Hall rooms. All other items must be provided by the student. Misappropriated or stolen items of any kind (including hall and lounge furniture) found in student rooms subject the student to disciplinary action by the College and/or civil authorities.

Room Inspections

Inspection –During the year, periodic health, safety, and maintenance inspections will be made. In addition, a designated College official may conduct a search of the College premises if there is reason to believe College policies are being violated, premises are being used for illegal purposes, for a purpose which interferes with the normal operation of the College, or for health and safety regulations. It is expected that residents will comply with Student Affairs Staff and other College officials when a search is necessary. Whenever possible, room inspections and searches will be conducted in the presence of the resident(s). Sufficient notice will be attempted to be provided by the Student Affairs staff member to the resident, however some cases do not allow for such notices.

Safety and Security

Fire Equipment

Tampering with fire safety equipment is a federal offense that may result in criminal charges, fines, and disciplinary action. All students are expected to evacuate college housing during a fire alarm or drill. Failure to do may result in college sanctions. Please see the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities for further details.

Smoke Detectors

Tampering with the smoke detectors in residential rooms or common areas is prohibited. This includes removal of the detector or battery.


In order to provide for your own safety and protection the outside doors to Le Fer Hall are locked at 12 a.m. each night and remain locked until approximately 6:00 a.m. It is expected that students do not permit access to living areas to non-residents without an escort. All overnight guests (must be over the age of 18) must be signed in at the front desk and are the responsibility of the host student. Opposite gender guests are not permitted overnight. Students should expect other students living in the building to use their own student I.D. card to enter the building.

Door Propping

The propping of any residence hall door that is not the door to your private room is prohibited.

Unauthorized Areas

Students are prohibited from accessing any unauthorized area of the Residence Hall, including but not limited to, the roof, any Facilities area, garages of College owned houses, and storage areas.

Students are urged to report any suspicious activity to Security by calling 812-535-6200.

Tobacco Policy

Smoking and use of tobacco products on campus is prohibited. Please refer to additional information located in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.


Engaging in any sport activity is not allowed in the residence halls without prior sanction by Campus Life staff. This is for the safety and security of all students.

Biking, roller blading, skating, the use of scooters or skateboards is prohibited inside any of the College buildings. These items may be stored in resident rooms, but must be carried and not rolled into the building.


No door-to-door solicitation or canvassing is permitted in the Residence Halls. Recognized student organizations may request permission from the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs to host a table in the common spaces of the Residence Hall.

Students may not operate any commercial enterprise from their residential rooms or any other space within the residence halls. This includes hosting parties for commercial purposes.

Trash Removal

Students are responsible for the proper disposal of their own trash. A trash closet is located on the lower level of Le Fer Hall and it is the student’s responsibility to take their room trash to the designated trash room. Individual students or floors will be charged for trash left in hallways and common areas.

The College utilizes single stream recycling through which all recyclable items may go into one receptacle except food waste, glass, and styrofoam. Cardboard should be broken down before placing in receptacle.

Visitation and Overnight Guest Policy

Periodic overnight visitation in student rooms is limited to guests of the same gender. Guests cannot stay more than three consecutive nights.

Residents are allowed to have opposite gender guests in their rooms during these specified hours.

Sunday –Thursday 9:00 a.m. –12:00 a.m. (midnight)

Friday & Saturday 9:00 a.m. –2:00 a.m. (weekends)

For weekdays when there are no classes the following day, visitation hours will be until 2:00 a.m.

All residence hall lobbies are open daily from 7 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. for guests.

Guests are only allowed with roommate’s permission. Consideration for the other roommate should be exercised with great care.

A host will be responsible for all actions of their guests. Guests are expected to adhere to all Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Policies.

All students are expected to escort any guest into, throughout, and out of the residence hall. This is for the safety of all residents. Commuter students whom are guests of a residential student need not be escorted at all times, however they do need to be signed in at the front desk.

Weapons, Firearms, and Dangerous Articles and Substances

Are prohibited on campus. See the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities for the weapons policy.

Safety, Security, and Emergency Situations

Resident Responsibility for Safety

Safety and Security Tips

Students should not allow strangers to enter the residence hall with them.

Students should notify Security if someone has insisted upon entering the hall with them. The student should try to get a good description of the offender and observe the direction in which the offender moves.

Students should keep their rooms locked at all times, even when they are sleeping, and especially when they are leaving the room and/or building.

A malfunctioning card access reader or door should be reported via the maintenance request or the front desk immediately.

Students should meet any guests in the lobby area and sign-in their guest at the front desk. Non-student guests should be escorted at all times.

Students should not lend their ID card or room key to other at any time.

Lost or stolen keys or ID cards should be reported immediately to Student Affairs.

Students should sign-up for E2Campus emergency alerts on their mobile devices.

Report Suspicious Activity Immediately

Persons going from room to room trying door knobs

Persons loitering at unusual hours and locations

Persons running (especially if something of value is being carried)

Persons exhibiting unusual mental, emotional, or physical symptoms

Persons carrying college property

Open or broken windows or doors

Unusual noises, screams, or cries for help.

Students play a critical role in maintaining safe and secure environment. No matter how many security personnel we employ or how sophisticated a mechanical system we install, the safety and security of the residents can be compromised by careless resident behavior. Students should think about this the next time they are tempted to prop open a door or not lock their room door.

Emergency Situations

Tornadoes or Weather Emergencies

In the event of severe weather, Student Affairs Staff will make an attempt if there is time available, to post weather-related information by the elevators on each floor and at the front desk. A watch means that conditions are right/favorable for an emergency weather event. A warning means that an active weather event is imminent. In an active weather warning, please quietly follow the directions of hall staff. In the event of a tornado please move to the lower levels to a space with few or no windows and await further instructions from Student Affairs Staff. Student Affairs Staff cannot guarantee the ability to notify residents of a weather emergency. It is strongly suggested that students sign-up for or receive local weather notifications offered by local third-parties.

Restricted Access

In the event of an emergency event on campus (active shooter, campus threat, campus emergency), the residence hall may go into restricted access. During restricted access, students will need to show ID in order to enter their residence hall. No guests are permitted in the building during a restricted access period. Students should follow the directions of Student Affairs Staff during restricted access emergencies.

Building Lockdowns

In the event of an emergency on campus (active shooter, campus threat, campus emergency), the residence hall may go into building lockdown. In a building lockdown, no one will be permitted to enter or leave the buildings. Students will be encouraged to go into their rooms and lock their doors and stay away from their windows until further notice. Student Affairs Staff and/or Security will provide updated information as soon as it is received.