Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

General Information

Responsibility of the Community

It is the responsibility of each employee of the College to report any suspected violation of this policy.

Every suspected violation of Sexual Harassment including sexual assault or misconduct, must be reported directly to the Title IX Coordinators, Kari Wolfe, 812-535-5220; Frank Whittle, 812-535-5161. The “responsible employee” is required to convey all pertinent information to the coordinator.

All other suspected violations of Discriminatory Harassment involving campus students should be reported to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, 812-535-5219, violations involving all other students (graduate or online) should be reported to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, 812-535-5181, and incidents involving employee-employee violations should be reported directly to the Director of Human Resources, 812-535-5284.

Any student, campus visitor or person participating in a College activity, whether on or off campus, who has experienced or witnessed discrimination and/or harassment is required to report the incident(s) promptly. Prompt reporting of complaints is vital to the College’s ability to resolve the matter.


The College will make a reasonable effort to conduct all investigations and proceedings related to Sexual or Discriminatory Harassment allegations in a manner that will protect the confidentiality and privacy interests of all parties. Examples of situations where confidentiality cannot be maintained include circumstances where the College is required by law to disclose information, when disclosure is warranted by the College in order to protect the rights of others, or in order to conduct a complete and thorough investigation. In addition to these efforts by the College, all parties to the alleged complaint should treat the matter under investigation with discretion and respect for the reputation of all parties involved.


Retaliation and/or reprisals against an individual who in good faith reports or provides information about behavior that may violate this policy will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or dismissal from the institution.

Required Training and Educational Programming

All employees of the College, including student employees, are required to complete the online course once every two years. New employees will complete the online course during the first two weeks of employment. The College is required to identify and train a Title IX Coordinator and designate other qualified individuals as resources for all members of the community. Students must be offered educational programs and/or resources that promote personal safety, procedures for filing harassment complaints, and specific information regarding sexual violence.

Discriminatory Harassment

Discriminatory Harassment is any unwelcome interpersonal conduct or comments, written, spoken or transmitted electronically, which would threaten a reasonable person, for reasons including but not limited to their race, color, sex, creed, religion, national origin, age, disability, gender identity, gender expression, disability, veteran status or sexual orientation. Similarly, any behavior that creates an offensive, demeaning, intimidating or hostile environment for a reasonable person constitutes harassment.

A “hostile work environment” is defined as any setting in which another’s (others’) behavior is sufficiently severe or pervasive that creates a work environment that is abusive. The level of “sufficient discomfort” must meet the legal test for “reasonableness” behavior that would cause any “reasonable” similarly employed person to be adversely impaired in performing assigned duties and responsibilities.

A “hostile educational environment” is defined as any educational setting in which another’s (others’) behavior causes or interferes with or limits a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the educational program.

Reports or complaints of Discriminatory Harassment should be filed with the Director of Human Resources as soon as possible after the alleged offense has occurred and should be brought within 120 days of the incident of the discrimination.