Probation, Suspension and Dismissal

Probationary standing, academic suspension and academic dismissal are determined by the cumulative index. Probationary status is determined by the Associate Dean for Academic Services at the end of a semester. Students are notified by e-mail.

A 2.0 cumulative GPA represents good standing. Students with GPA's below a 2.0 are at risk of not progressing towards satisfactory completion of their degrees.

Freshmen who have a minimum cumulative index of 1.8 at the end of the freshman year will be admitted to the sophomore year with probationary status.

Students with 24 or more credits (including transfer credits) are placed on probation the first semester their GPA falls below 2.0 cumulative GPA. Students who show improvement but do not obtain a 2.0 or better cumulative GPA the following semester are placed on continued probation. The third consecutive semester below a 2.0 cumulative GPA students are academically dismissed or suspended.

Students may appeal these general regulations in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs if circumstances warrant it. Actions of suspension and dismissal will be recorded on the permanent record.

A student who has been academically suspended may return to the College as a non-matriculated student after consultation with and approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Services. The student would then be required to reach the minimum academic requirements within a time specified by the Associate Dean for Academic Services or be subject to academic dismissal. Students who show evidence of academic improvement and attain a 2.0 or better cumulative index may apply for readmission by filing a formal application through the Admissions Office.

A student who has been dismissed normally may not return to the College under any circumstances.

NOTE: Any student whose conduct is at variance with the ideals of the College is subject to dismissal from the College.