Honor Pledge and Academic Honesty

The College maintains and affirms a strong policy of academic honesty. Every member of the academic community has a duty neither to cheat nor to condone cheating, fabrication, plagiarism or facilitation of academic dishonesty. Any member of the Molloy community may report a violation of Academic Integrity to the Associate Dean for Academic Services located in Kellenberg Hall, K-119. Academic infractions are subject to disciplinary action as described in the Department of Nursing Graduate and Post-Graduate Nursing Student Handbook, Graduate Education Orientation Manual/Candidate Handbook and the Molloy College Graduate Handbook and Calendar.

Academic Integrity Statement

Molloy College is dedicated to the Catholic and Dominican ideals of truth and academic excellence. As such, every member of the community shares in the responsibility for protecting the academic integrity of the Institution. The commitment to academic honor reaffirms the high ethical standards that are fundamental to the mission of Molloy. By signing an honor pledge, students take personal responsibility to uphold the standards of truth and free inquiry, while sharing in the common commitment to protect these principles and the value of a Molloy degree.

Academic Honor Pledge

“As a member of Molloy College, Catholic and Dominican in tradition, I dedicate myself to the ideals of truth, scholarship and justice. I pledge to demonstrate personal and academic integrity in all matters. I promise to be honest and accountable for my actions and to uphold the Honor System to better myself and those around me. I will refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception.’’