Grades Recorded for Study Abroad

Students registered in Molloy College study abroad programs will have the courses and grades earned posted to their Molloy College transcripts under the term they attended. The name of the host institution will be noted on the student's official transcript for the courses taken abroad. Students planned courses to be taken and Molloy course equivalences are approved prior to studying abroad.

Host institutions sometimes take several months after the students return to supply official transcripts. Students attending institutions abroad and who are applying to graduate in the same term may have their degrees awarded at a later degree award date due to this circumstance.

Once received, the host institution transcripts are evaluated and the U.S. equivalent grades and U.S. equivalent credits will be noted on the Molloy College transcript. Students who find they are not doing well in a study abroad course should consider requesting a course withdrawal at the host institution prior to final grading. This option may be limited by the host institutions policies and deadlines.

Index Amnesty may be requested for all courses completed in a term for a Study Abroad record. (It is not for individual courses.) It must be requested in writing immediately upon the posting of the records to the Director of International Education and to the Registrar. For Index Amnesty, the record from the host institution will still show the courses, credits and grades earned. The record will remain with the term quality points, term credits attempted, term credits earned and term GPA. The Index Amnesty for the Study Abroad term will still count the credits taken in the attempted and earned overall cumulative credits. The term quality points and term GPA will not be included in the student's overall cumulative GPA.