Grades and Grading System

The final letter grade a student receives in a course is converted to a numerical equivalent, or grade point(s), to indicate the quality of work for each credit hour of college work completed. The following table defines the letter grades and reflects the conversion to grade points. JU operates on a 4.0 system.

Letter Grade Definition Numerical Equivalent (Grade Points)
A Exceptional Work 4.00
A- Excellent Work 3.67
B+ Good Work 3.33
B Good Work 3.00
B- Good Work 2.67
C+ Satisfactory Work 2.33
C Satisfactory Work 2.00
C- Passing Work 1.67
D+ Passing 1.33
D Passing work 1.00
D- Passing Work 0.67
F Unsatisfactory Work; Failure 0.00
I* Incomplete Not included in GPA
P Passed Not included in GPA
W Withdrew Not included in GPA
AU Audit Not included in GPA
CR Credit Not included in GPA

The grades “A,” “A-,“ “B+,” “B,” “B-,” “C+,” “C,” “C-,” “D+,” “D,” “D-,“ and “F” are used to compute grade point averages (GPAs). An “I” indicates that a student did not complete a course for a reason acceptable to the professor and requested and received permission to complete the course within the first four (4) weeks of the next Fall or Spring semester. The student must be passing and have completed all but a particular segment of a course to qualify for a grade of “I.” The “I” will be converted to the appropriate letter grade if the course work is completed by the end of the fourth week of the next Fall or Spring semester. Faculty may grant an extension of the time to complete the “I” grade to the last day of classes of the next semester by submitting a written request to the Registrar’s Office. If the “I” course work is not completed on schedule, the “I” will convert to an “F.” The “I” converted to grades “A” through “F” will then be used in computing the GPA and may result in a change of academic status if the resulting GPA so indicates. Grades of “P,” “I,” “AU,” and “W” are not considered in computing GPAs.

*Incomplete grades for flight laboratory courses

Depending on the circumstances, and given the special nature of flight training, students will be given a reasonable amount of time to complete an incomplete grade (“I”) in a flight laboratory (AVO) course.

However, the following policy will be followed for those students with incompletes:

  1. Students will be given 12 calendar months from the date of registration in a flight (AVO) course to satisfactorily complete the course.
  2. If the student fails to complete the course within the above time period then the student will be given a deadline to complete or withdraw from the course.
  3. If the student does not withdraw from the course by the deadline, then the student will receive an “F” in the course and will be automatically dis-enrolled from L3 Airline Academy’s 141 flight program.

A flight-training course is considered completed and a grade is given once the final stage check from L3 Airline Academy has been successfully accomplished for that course. If a FAA Practical Test is taken following completion of that course, the results from the FAA Practical Test will not affect any of the student’s academic grades.

The formula for determining the grade points for a semester course is:

Letter Grade(Numerical equivalent) X Nos. Hours Credit=Grade Points


Similarly, the formula to compute the GPA is:

Total Grade Points ÷ Total credit hours attempted = GPA

45÷15= 3.0

Undergraduate students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) to avoid adverse academic action and to qualify for graduation. Similarly, graduate students must maintain a 3.0 CGPA.

Student transcripts reflect each course attempted and the grade received for each attempt, including repeated attempts. In the case of repeated attempts of the same course, the grade awarded for each attempt is included in the GPA computation. If a student earns an “F” in a course, that grade will remain on the transcript and will be used in computing GPAs even though the course may be repeated later for credit and a passing grade earned.

Grade Substitution Policy was implemented for undergraduate students with the start of the 2011 Fall terms. The Grade Substitution Policy is outlined below:

  1. Applies only for undergraduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses.
  2. Grade Substitution may be used twice during an undergraduate career at JU.
  3. Once an undergraduate degree is conferred, the Grade Substitution Policy is no longer permitted.
  4. The Grade Substitution Request Form must be completed and submitted to the Registrars' Office before the end of the 100% drop period for the term when the course is repeated.
  5. If the Grade Substitution results in a Withdraw:
    1. The "W" grade counts as one of your two Grade Substitutions
    2. The original grade will remain in your Cumulative Grade Point Average (cum GPA).
  6. If the Grade Substitution results in a "F" grade:
    1. The "F" grade counts as one of your to Grade substitutions.
    2. The "F" Grade will replace the original grade in the Cum GPA, even if the original grade was passing.
  7. The original Term GPA will not change to reflect the Grade Substitution, only your Cum GPA will change.
  8. If a grade awarded was due to academic dishonesty, the course is not eligible for Grade Substitution.

Some JU courses may be repeated for degree credit. Such courses have a repeatability statement in the course description. All other courses may be repeated to improve a student’s GPA, but not for degree credit. If any course is repeated, but is not specified as repeatable for credit in the Catalog, the grade earned will be included in the GPA, but no hours earned are credited toward the degree requirements.

Students who have been officially accepted by the Admission offices for study in the University may register for credit or “audit” in any course for which they meet the necessary prerequisites. Students enrolled for “audit” may be exempt from examinations and will receive neither grade nor credit toward a degree. Once enrolled, the “audit” status may not be changed after the drop/add period. That is, a student may not change from “audit” to “credit” or vice versa.

Graduate students in graduate courses do not receive “C-,” “D+,” “D” “D-,” grades, since such grades did not count toward graduate degree credit. Graduate students in such courses who earn less than a “C” receive a grade of “F.” Graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses are not affected by this rule for those undergraduate courses.