Medical Withdrawal Policy

The University recognizes that severe, unforeseen personal medical situations may arise, which prohibit a student from continuing and completing his/her coursework within a given semester. Should such circumstances occur within the published withdrawal period of a semester, the student should withdraw through the University Registrar’s Office. However, for situations occurring after the published withdrawal period, students may appeal to the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs /Dean of Students or his/her designee for a medical withdrawal from the University. Students may be eligible to apply for a medical withdrawal for specific courses, if the request is submitted prior to the end of the term/posting of grades. In order to be eligible for a partial or full medical withdrawal, the student must submit sufficient medical documentation to support the withdrawal. Requests received after the completion of the term/posting of grades are complete withdrawals from the University, for all courses in which a student is registered. Such appeals should be promptly directed in writing to the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs /Dean of Students, and must be accompanied by specific supporting medical documentation, from a licensed health care provider directly caring for the student, and must specify how the medical condition directly impacted coursework or the ability to attend class. These appeals should be made within the semester for which the medical withdrawal is being requested, and no later than the withdrawal date of the following academic semester, with summer terms included. The Senior Vice President for Student Affairs /Dean of Students and other relevant University officials and faculty members will evaluate the validity of such appeals, based upon this policy, and respond within a reasonable time period. If the request is submitted after grades have been submitted, the relevant professors will also be consulted in considering the granting of a medical withdrawal. If the request is submitted after grades have been submitted, the professors must also approve the medical withdrawal. A medical withdrawal, when granted, impacts a student’s academic registration only, and any appeals of tuition and fees paid must be directed separately to the Office of Student Financial Assistance. Questions about this general policy should be directed to the Student Life Office (Davis Student Commons, third floor, 256-7067).