Experiential Learning Programs

The following Experiential Learning programs apply towards the Experiential Learning core curriculum graduation requirement. These opportunities are intended to assist students in developing skills in critical thinking, communication, diversity, and teamwork. For general questions about Experiential Learning, students can contact the Office of Experiential Learning, Gooding Building 109, 904-256-7881.

JU Education Abroad and Education Away Programs

Jacksonville University is committed to providing its students with a world-class education. The University has embraced education abroad and away as ideal forms of experiential learning. JU has developed select programs around the world where students can immerse themselves in the local cultures, participate in internships and community service opportunities, and study alongside local students. The University considers international experience to be an integral part of liberal arts and professional education for the 21st century.

JU Education Abroad programs are unique in many ways. Most courses are taught in English. Programs are designed to be affordable to all students; in addition, students may be eligible for federal and state financial aid to participate. Extensive on-site support services are also available to JU students abroad.

JU faculty have led education abroad programs and taught courses in the Bahamas, China, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Spain, South Africa, and Thailand. Semester and summer study abroad programs are available in dozens of countries around the globe. In addition to international locations, JU faculty have led education away programs in ideal destinations such as New York City.

JU is dedicated to providing a global education for its students through International Education Programs (IEP) and other vendors. They offer a full catalog of programs accessible to most students and majors. Students can study abroad for as short a time as the week of Spring Break, two to six weeks in the summer, or as long as an academic year. Each program provides quality international academic experiences at some of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Whether students are interested in developing their language skills, immersing themselves in other cultures or earning credit toward their degrees, they will help students realize their international academic goals.

JU students and non-JU students (admitted to JU as transient students) receive credit from JU with grades that are calculated into their grade point average for faculty led courses that were taken abroad.

JU students and non-JU students (admitted to JU as transient students) receive credit from JU with grades that are not calculated into their grade point average, for participation in any approved IEP (or other vendor) summer, semester or study abroad program. To be acceptable for credit, the appropriate college deans and chairs of the divisions concerned must approve international study and other learning abroad activities. NROTC students must have their commanding officer’s approval to study abroad.

Students planning to participate in Education Abroad must also notify the Registrar’s Office and the Office of Student Financial Assistance at the time that an application for education abroad is submitted. Courses taken abroad must meet University academic standards and form a coherent part of the student’s four-year curriculum plan. JU degree-seeking students may not participate in more than three semesters or 45 semester credit hours total in Education Abroad programs. Students who are enrolled in a semester program must take at least 12 credit hours. Students may take up to 15 of their last 30 semester hour credits in Education Abroad programs. Students who study abroad their last semester may have their graduation postponed to the next graduation date due to the dates of the Study Abroad Term or for the time it takes to receive the transcript from the foreign school. JU faculty led programs do not count against students’ residency hours or apply toward the previously mentioned restrictions.

Study Abroad or Away Class

An independent Study Abroad or Away class is available to students for the opportunity to study abroad or at different US sites and use financial aid. The same number, 144 or 544, will be used by all departments with their department designation, i.e. ENGL 144, BIOL 144, or EDU 544.

The XXX 144 and XXX 544 class:

  • The XXX 144 and XXX 544 classes will be associated with a JU Fall or Spring class as a co-requisite, but will be taught and graded independently.
  • Students will register for the JU catalog class and the XXX 144 or XXX 544 classes at the same time.
  • May be repeated for credit when the topic changes.
  • May be offered as Pass/Fail or for a letter grade. The instructor will include the grading type when submitting the XXX 144 or XXX 544 class to the Registrar’s Office for scheduling.
  • Will be variable credits (0-4).
  • The 3 or 4 credit XXX 144 class must meet the University’s approval for Experiential Learning.

A Program Fee will be added to the JU catalog Fall or Spring class that covers the cost of the XXX 144 or XXX 544 class. The Program Fee follows the payment schedule and refund tables of the Fall or Spring term where the JU catalog class is offered. If the student does not take the summer trip after completing the Spring class, the Program Fee is not refunded. If the student takes the summer trip, but drops the Fall class during the 100% refund period, they will not be charged the Program Fee.

Where the Study Abroad or Away class and trip are housed in the same Fall, Spring, or Summer term, the class offered will be the catalog JU class and the XXX 144 or XXX 544 class will not be used. Tuition and the Program Fee will be charged for the JU catalog class.

Internship Program

The University internship program is designed to provide junior and senior students practical experience in areas related to their major fields of study. Since the internship involves the awarding of academic credit, this experience is expected to:

  • Require the student to apply the concepts, theories or practices learned in the classroom and to test the application of these ideas in actual situations encountered in the nonacademic setting.
  • Expand the knowledge base of the student through challenging assignments. While it is expected that the student intern will be asked to perform some routine duties, this cannot be the primary function of the internship. The student pays regular academic fees for hours of academic credit earned during an internship. The amount of knowledge gleaned from the internship is expected to approximate that provided in a classroom setting. This becomes a value judgment as experiential learning is compared to classroom learning, but it is a critical factor in evaluating an internship.
  • Expose the student to the wealth of actual behaviors, situations, and incidents that occur in an organizational setting and cannot be taught in the classroom. Often this is part of the socialization process that occurs when an individual joins an organization, even if only on a part-time basis.
  • Provide a valuable interface between the sponsoring organization and the University. Students selected to participate in internship programs become representatives of the student body to the community just as the faculty members, acting as internship academic advisors, represent the faculty and administration of the University. This responsibility can be one of the most valuable assets to the program. It provides the community with a firsthand evaluation of the fine quality students and faculty at Jacksonville University.
  • Credit Awarded - No more than 12 hours of academic credit can be earned through the internship program and applied toward the fulfillment of the 120 credit hours required for a degree. Internship courses will carry the suffix number of 90; i.e., 390, 490. [Internships may be designated as “0” credit hours. Zero credit internships will not count towards fulfillment of the Experiential Learning requirement. Faculty supervising the zero credit internship must still submit a grade upon its completion, although Pass/Fail is an option.]
  • Academic Standards - A student applying for an internship must:
    • Have junior or senior standing or departmental approval
    • Have a faculty sponsor with expertise in the field of the internship
    • Secure the agreement of a sponsoring agency or employer
    • Have the permission of the division chair and the college dean

Any student on probation or suspension is not eligible for an internship. Divisions may set higher academic qualifications for participation in internships under their supervision.

International Internships

Jacksonville University and its approved partners offer International Internships. International Internships may be taken by a matriculated college student in Good Academic Standing, who has permission from their home college/university to receive credit for the internship. Students must complete the International Internship packet prior to acceptance into the program.