General Catalog 2023-2024

Speech and Language Therapy (BS)

The Bachelor of Science in Speech and Language Therapy aspires to prepare competent professionals to carry out tasks of screening, prevention and treatment of communication disorders in Puerto Rico. The professional graduates of the Program will be able to offer therapeutic services to children and young people between 0-21 years of age under the supervision of a licensed Speech and Language Pathologist, as established by Law 77 which regulates the practice of professionals of Speech and Language Therapy, Speech Pathology, and Language and Audiology in Puerto Rico. Graduates of this Program will be capable of performing tasks of evaluation and prevention of communication disorders.

In addition to the admission requirements in this Catalog, students of this Program must present evidence of graduation from an accredited high school or its equivalent with a minimum grade point index of 2.50 or its equivalent.

The Aguadilla, Fajardo and Ponce campuses are authorized to offer this Program.

Academic goals

The Bachelor of Science in Speech and Language Therapy has the following goals:

  1. Prepare competent professionals who can collaborate in the prevention, identification and treatment of children and young people with communication problems.
  2. Train proficient graduates to offer interventions to children and young people between 0-21 years old under the supervision of a licensed Speech and Language Pathologist, as established by Law 77 that regulates the practice of Speech and Language Therapy, Speech Pathology professionals. and Language and Audiology in Puerto Rico.
  3. Promote a humanistic attitude with ethical values and principles in the practice of the speech and language therapy profession.

General objectives

The General Objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Speech and Language Therapy are:

  1. Promote the understanding of concepts related to the area of speech and language therapy to address communication deficiencies.
  2. Develop in the student knowledge of the fundamental principles of techniques and strategies in speech and language in communication services.
  3. Train the student in the application of methods, techniques, strategies, and assessment according to the condition, level of severity, and skills of the individual.
  4. Encourage the development of activities and materials that adapt to the needs and abilities of clients receiving speech and language therapy services.
  5. Introduce the foundations for writing clinical documents related to the speech and language therapy service.
  6. Foster a commitment to working effectively with interdisciplinary health professionals, clients and their families to improve the well-being of children and adolescents with communication problems.
  7. Develop positive attitudes towards the values, ethical principles, diversity and education of people with speech and language problems and their families.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Bachelor of Science in Speech and Language Therapy is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


  1. Identify the procedures and screening instruments for speech, language and hearing used with the population from 0-21 years of age.
  2. Differentiate the techniques and strategies for the treatment of disorders of articulation, voice, fluidity and language, in spoken as well as in written speech, in children and young people between 0-21 years of age.


  1. Develop activities appropriate to the objectives of the intervention plan designed by the speech and language pathologist, in a logical and organized manner.
  2. Document the performance of the client in a precise, concise, objective and quantifiable form in each intervention.
  3. Use technology as a tool for therapeutic interventions.
  4. Administrate screening instruments in harmony with the population and the communication problem you are dealing with.
  5. Inform the screening results in a reliable manner.
  6. Apply appropriate intervention methods, techniques and strategies according to the condition, level of severity, behavior and skills of the client.
  7. Recommend creative follow-up activities to the objectives worked on in the therapy, to be implemented in the daily environments of the child by caretakers.
  8.  Develop orientation activities on topics related to speech and language therapy, for clients, family members and the community in general.


  1.  Develop appropriate interpersonal relationships with the children to whom you offer services, with their caregivers and with other professionals.
  2. Demonstrate sensitivity to the needs and cultural values of the client and their family.
  3. Justify your interventions with the theories and ethical principles of the speech and language therapy profession.

Admission Requirements for the Practice

To be admitted to the practice in the Bachelor’s Degree of Sciences in Speech Therapy the following is required:

  1. A formal application and approval of the director of academic department or his representative.
  2. A minimum general grade index of 2.50.
  3. A current negative certificate of criminal records issued by the Police of Puerto Rico.
  4. A current certificate of health issued by the Department of Health.
  5. Evidence of vaccination against Hepatitis B.

Retention Requirements

  1. Pass all major and related requirements of the Program with a minimum grade of C, except the practice courses (SPTH 4914, SPTH 4915) which must be passed with minimum grade of B.

Graduation Requirements

  1. Pass the courses of the major with a minimum grade of C.
  2. Pass the Practice courses with a minimum grade of B (SPTH 4914, SPTH 4915).
  3. Meet the graduation requirements established in the current General Catalog.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Speech and Language Therapy

General Education Requirements 48 credits
Major Requirements 63 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 6-7 credits
Elective course 3 credits
Total 120-121 credits

General Education Requirements - 48 credits

Forty and eight (48) credits are required as explained in the section “General Education Requirements for Bachelors’ Degrees”. Students of this Program will take course GEST 2020 (The Natural Environment and the Human Being) in the Scientific and Technological Context category and course GEHS 3050 (Human Formation, Society, and Culture) in the Historical and Social Context category. They will take course GEMA 1200 in the Basic Skills in Mathematics category.

Major Requirements - 63 credits

SPTH 1010Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Language


SPTH 1011Normal Development of Language


SPTH 1122Introduction to Audiology


SPTH 1123Ethical and Legal Matters and Clinical Procedures


SPTH 1124Fluency Disorders in Children


SPTH 2010Disorders of Articulation and Phonology


SPTH 2015Voice Disorders in Children


SPTH 2024Use of Technology in The Practice of Speech and Language Therapy


SPTH 2110Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies


SPTH 2120Intervention with Children with Hearing Impairments


SPTH 2130Cognitive and Psycho-Social Conditions Associated with Speech and Language Problems


SPTH 3020Identification and Treatment of Children with Oral Language Disorders


SPTH 3021Identification and Treatment of Children with Written Language Disorders


SPTH 3022Clinical Documentation in the Profession of Speech and Language Therapy


SPTH 3140Early Intervention


SPTH 3141Therapeutic Interventions for Children with Speech and Language Problems


SPTH 3142Sign Language


SPTH 3143Dysphagia in Children


SPTH 3210Augmentative and Alternative Aids for Communication in Children


SPTH 4141Integratated Seminar I


SPTH 4142Integratated Seminar II


SPTH 4914Practicum I


SPTH 4915Practicum II


Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 6-7 credits

Select six (6) or seven (7) credits from the following courses:

EDUC 2031Developmental Psychology


EDUC 2032Learning Psychology


EDUC 2053Nature and Needs of Students with Autism


EDUC 2870The Exceptional Student Population


EDUC 2905Nature and Needs of Students with Intellectual Disability and Mental Disorders


EDUC 2906Nature and Needs of Students with Specific Learning Problems, ADD And ADHD


EDUC 3290Management of Student Behavior in the Classroom