General Catalog 2023-2024

Social Sciences (BA)

The Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences prepares professionals in Social Sciences with a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach. The program focuses on the study of the fundamentals of Social Sciences and is complemented by the study of courses in specific areas that the student will determine with the collaboration of his academic adviser and, finally, the approval of the department director. This provides a flexible, innovative programmatic vision that promotes the comprehensive development of the student to develop their cognitive and creative abilities, as well as the critical judgment necessary to function in the contemporary world. In addition, it provides the broad base to continue graduate studies in different specialties of the disciplines of the Social Sciences.

Program goals

The Social Sciences Program has as goals:

  1. Promote the comprehensive preparation of students so that they acquire the necessary skills to perform in fields related to Social Sciences in the contemporary world.

  2. Develop professionals with a vision and a responsible attitude regarding the implications of their behavior in the field of Social Sciences.

Program objectives

  1.  Provide knowledge in the area of Social Sciences complemented by the study of courses in specific areas.

  2. Develop in the student an integrated vision of the collective behavior of human beings from the study and understanding of the fundamentals and theoretical bases of the Social Sciences.

  3. Provide a flexible and innovative programmatic vision that promotes the development of their cognitive abilities, as well as the critical judgment necessary to perform and contribute their knowledge as professionals in the contemporary world.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

This Program is designed to develop the competencies that will permit students to:


  1. Interpret the historical background, the theories and methodologies of the Social Sciences and their contribution to the knowledge of the human social phenomenon.

  2. Recognize social research methodologies and their application in the search for solutions to current social problems.

  3. Identify the contributions of cultural diversity to knowledge, enrichment and human social development.


  1. Apply the methods and techniques of social research to the studies of the individual, society and culture.

  2. Integrate the knowledge of the different areas of knowledge, such as Sociology, Economics, Psychology, Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Social Work, Political Sciences and their branches to the current social task.

  3. Recognize the contribution of various cultural groups to social management.


  1. Show appreciation for social and cultural diversity.

  2. Develop critical thinking from a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary conceptual framework.

  3. Incorporate qualitative research methods and processes into the study of the social.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the admission requirements established in this Catalog, students of this Program must be interviewed when this is necessary. If an interview is necessary for online education students who will attend courses outside Puerto Rico, this may be conducted through the means available to students. The interview will be supervised by a proctor in the place where the student is located as determined by the University.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Sciences

General Education Requirements 48 credits
Core Course Requirements 19 credits
Major Requirements 45 credits
Elective Courses 9 credits
Total 121 credits

General Education Requirements - 48 credits

Forty eight (48) credits are required as explained in the section “General Education Requirements for Bachelors’ Degrees."

Core Course Requirements - 19 credits

ANTH 1040Introduction to Anthropology


POLS 1011Introduction to Political Science


SOCI 1030Introduction to Sociology


SOCI 4800Sociological Research


ANTH 1040Introduction to Anthropology


ANTH 2030Social Anthropology


PSYC 1051General Psychology I


MAEC 1213History of Economic Thought


Major Requirements - 45 credits

Students will take 45 credits among the following disciplines: Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, and Psychology and their subdisciplines, which will be selected among the courses scheduled in the corresponding term with the approval of the department director.