General Catalog 2023-2024

Graphic Design (BVA)

The Visual Arts Program in Graphic Design offers the degrees of Associate of Arts and Bachelor of Arts.

The degrees in Visual Arts in Graphic Design prepare the students to work in the communication of ideas and information industry, by means of the use of visual strategies, such as: the printed medium, images for commercial communication and digital presentations. It aspires to prepare graduates to work in the area of ​​the graphic design, either in printing or electronically, advertising design, digital art and design for electronic distribution or Internet.

The student of the Associate Degree in Visual Arts in Graphic Design will have the option of continuing studies to complete their Bachelor.

The San Germán Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Program is designed to develop the competencies that will allow students to:


Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of:

  1. the theory of design of different conceptual approaches in graphic communication.
  2. the tools of graphic works in different media relevant to the printing and publishing industry.
  3. the graphic techniques to create and present work in print or electronic media.


  1. Apply the newest technology in the development of works in graphic design.
  2. Perform graphic design work with technical maturity.
  3. Select the techniques, images, and tools that best solve graphic and conceptual problems.
  4. Develop works with awareness of the place, time and space where it is completed.


  1. Appreciate the commitment to their role as professionals to create and execute graphic work ethically.
  2. Develop graphic works with a high degree of intellectual honesty.
  3. Recognize the value of honesty, avoiding the illegal appropriation of images.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts in Graphic Design

General Education Program Requirements 48 credits
Major Requirements 49 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 9 credits
Elective Courses in Fine Arts 9 credits
Elective Courses 6 credits
Total 121 credits

General Education Program Requirements - 48 credits

Forty-eight (48) credits are required as explained in the General Education Requirements for Bachelors section.

Major Requirements - 49 credits

ARTS 1100Color Theory


ARTS 1102Technical Foundations and Drawing Practice


ARTS 1200Introduction to Graphic Design


ARTS 1220Electronic Image


ARTS 1420Typography Design


ARTS 1430Design for Printed Publication And Electronic Distribution


ARTS 1541Digital Photography


ARTS 1600Evolution of The Graphic Design


ARTS 2111Graphic Design Applied to Internet


ARTS 2331Design of Interactive Projects, Multimedia and Mobile Apps


ARTS 2521Three-Dimensional Design


ARTS 2540Video and Digital Sound


ARTS 2541Special Effects for Digital Video


ARTS 3000Ethics in Graphic Design


ARTS 3420Typography Design Ii


ARTS 4000Corporate Identity Design


Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 9 credits

Select nine (9) credits from the following courses:

ARTS 3600Poster Design


ARTS 4860Packaging Design


ARTS 4911Supervised Practice


ARTS 4920Graphic Design for Display and Environmental Works


Elective Courses in Fine Arts - 9 credits

Select nice (9) credits in Fine Arts, within the following areas: Ceramics. Drawing, Sculpture, Painting, Photography, and Printmaking.