General Catalog 2023-2024

Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences (AA)

The Associate of Arts Degree in Culinary Arts and Gastronomic Sciences is designed to offer students the knowledge and technical skills necessary for culinary development at the local level as well as the global level. The academic and applied activities provide students with the necessary competencies for the selection, handling and conversion of raw materials, the identification of flavor profiles and the operations in gastronomic industry, generally. The program is designed on the basis of the foundations and theories of the gastronomy sciences and the viable enterprise practices with a robust practice component in kitchen laboratories.

The Barranquitas Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Associate of Arts Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences Program, is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


To know and to understand:

  1. the theoretical and practical foundations of the culinary and gastronomical sciences within the discipline.
  2. the process of selection and correct use of the tools and equipment commonly used in food elaboration related to the field of gastronomy.
  3. the essential functions of the operation and administration of organizations that comprise the gastronomy field.


  1. Properly select the raw materials most used in the field of gastronomy.
  2. Apply the traditional methods, as well as those of vanguard, in the development of technical skills for the correct handling of the equipment, tools and technologies most used in the discipline of gastronomy.
  3. Apply the main practices of cleaning and security in food preparation in agreement with the standards of health and security, as well as with the regulations that apply to the field of gastronomy.


  1. Integrate to the professional practice the ethical and legal values and principles related to the field of culinary and gastronomical sciences.
  2. Show a proactive attitude towards team work as an effective and productive means for the solution of problems related to the culinary and gastronomical disciplines.

Admission Requirements

  1. Meet all the admission norms established in the General Catalog.
  2. To be a candidate for admission to the Associate of Arts Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences, a certificate of health, current for one year, submitted by the Department of Health, is required.


To be admitted to a practice center, a certificate of health, current for one year, submitted by the Department of Health, is required.

Some centers have additional requirements. Students are responsible for complying with any other requirement that is required by the practice center.

Academic Requirements of the Associate of Arts Degree in Culinary Arts and Gastronomic Sciences

General Education Requirements 24 credits
Major Requirements 41 credits
Total 65 credits

General Education Requirements - 24 credits

Twenty-four (24) credits are required as established in the General Catalog in the section “General Education Requirements for Associate Degrees”. Students of this Program will take GEMA 1000 in the category of Basic Skills in Mathematics.

Major Requirements - 41 credits

GASC 1000Culinary Fundamentals


GASC 1200Selecting Raw Materials


GASC 2010Culinary Skills I


GASC 2015Nutrition and Culinary Horticulture


GASC 2020Culinary Skills II


GASC 2500Puerto Rican Gastronomy


GASC 2800Complementary Bakery


GASC 2900Global Cuisine


GASC 2910Professional Practicum


FSMT 1210Sanitation and Security in Food Services


FSMT 1220Service Theories and Practices


FSMT 2101Purchasing Systems, Inventory and Storage Control


FSMT 2104Buffet and Catering Service


TURI 3300Food and Services Management