General Catalog 2023-2024

Veterinary Technology (BS)

The Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology program aims to train professionals who can assist the veterinarian in the procedures of exploration, treatment and pharmacology, prevention and diagnosis of diseases in animals. The graduate will be able to perform other tasks of assistance to domestic animals, research and farm, in the emergency areas, operating room and first aid, as well as imaging techniques and laboratory tests. The program is designed for students who wish to work as veterinary technologists in clinics, hospitals, farms and animal research centers or any other place where the veterinary doctor needs their assistance. The student who cannot complete the baccalaureate will have the option of completing an Associate Degree in Veterinary Technician.

The Guayama Campus is authorized to offer this program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The focus of the mission and philosophy of the proposed curriculum frame a vision of the graduate with a theoretical and practical education that enables him to perform successfully both professionally and personally. The Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology has the educational goal of achieving a graduate with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable him to be employed and at the same time offer a good service to the society to which he belongs. It is intended to form a well-educated and competent professional, responsible and respectful of himself, his profession and society. The graduate, as a professional in the field of Veterinary Technology, must be able to manifest the following general knowledge, skills and attitudes:


  1. Demonstrate knowledge in offering veterinary care in areas such as restraint techniques, review of the animal, taking images and laboratory tests, among other functions under the supervision of the veterinarian.
  2. Develop knowledge to assist the physician in the process of evaluating emergencies and surgical interventions.
  3. Know the use of equipment and technologies related to the treatment and care of the patient.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge when offering care to the sick, operated or hospitalized patient.
  5. Evaluate patient data correctly.
  6. Identify the educational needs of animal owners to provide education on their care.
  7. Analyze the safety and quality of consumer products during transformation processes using hygiene controls, inspection requirements, and production and processing technology.
  8. Integrate competencies related to customer service and marketing strategies, without forgetting leadership and teamwork.
  9. Generate procedures that promote the safe and effective care of animals used for research.
  10. Know the clinical applications, use and management of modern diagnostic imaging techniques.


  1. Apply the techniques and procedures to assist the veterinarian in providing patient care and treating illnesses.
  2. Demonstrate ability in the use and management of equipment, technological means and clinical procedures.
  3. Evaluate the patient's condition and their needs for treatment, lodging, nutrition, dental work, among others.
  4. Use effective communication techniques and critical judgment to assist the veterinarian in providing patient care.
  5. Apply safety rules and universal protection measures when offering patient care and when handling tissues or other materials of biological origin.
  6. Master the management and care of the farm animals, the equines and the maintenance of the physical facilities that house them.
  7. Develop plans for disease prevention and control measures. Apply the correct techniques to collect, handle and send all types of samples with their corresponding report.
  8. Know and apply the rules and procedures required for the care of laboratory animals including euthanasia.
  9. Perform basic veterinary clinic administration tasks including marketing and promotion through social networks.


  1. Apply ethical-legal principles in the performance of the functions of veterinary technician.
  2. Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility and commitment in the practice of veterinary technician.
  3. Assess the importance of keeping your knowledge updated according to the new scientific and technological advances of the profession.
  4. Comply with the laws and the code of ethics that regulate the profession of veterinary technician.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the admission requirements established in this Catalog, students in this Program must:

  • Submit evidence of vaccination against the rabies virus on or before the start of the second academic semester.




Requirements for the Bachelor in Science in Veterinary Technology

General Education Requirements 42 credits
Core Requirements  21 credits
Major Requirements 54 credits
Elective Courses 3 credits
Total 120 credits

General Education Requirements - 42 credits

Forty-two (42) credits are required as explained in the section “General Education Requirements for Bachelors’ Degrees.” Students are exempt from taking courses from the category Scientific and Technological Context and course GEEC 2000 - Entrepreneurial Culture.

Major Requirements - 54 credits

VETC 1100Introduction to Veterinary Sciences


VETC 1120Animal Anatomy and Physiology


VETC 2200Farm Animals


VETC 2201Parasitology and Microbiology


VETC 2202Clinical Laboratory


VETC 2210Pharmacology and Toxicology


VETC 2213Laboratory Animals


VETC 2970Seminar


VETC 2220Veterinary Nursing


VETC 2240Radiology


VETC 2250Anesthesia and Surgery


VETC 2255Common Diseases in Domestic Animals


VETC 2910Veterinary Technician Practice


VETC 3300Food Safety and Hygiene


VETC 3302Emergency and Critical Care


VETC 3311Animal Feed and Nutrition


VETC 4410Handling and Care of Equine


VETC 4420Administration of Veterinary Clinics


VETC 4910Practice of Veterinary Technology


VETC 4970Integration Seminar


Core Requirements - 21 credits

BIOL 1101General Biology I


BIOL 1102General Biology II


BIOL 1103Biology Skills Laboratory I


BIOL 1104Biology Skills Laboratory II


CHEM 1111General Chemistry I


CHEM 2212General Chemistry II


MATH 1500Precalculus