General Catalog 2023-2024

Audio Production and Postproduction (AAS)

The associate degree in Applied Sciences in Audio Production and Postproduction is designed to provide a theoretical-practical preparation in the field of sound. The graduate can perform as a professional in the areas of music production, sound production in and out of studio, programming and music for video, as well as in others in which he must master techniques related to advanced sound production.

The Bayamon Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

Program Goals

  1. To train a sound technician who dominates the field of sound production and postproduction with a high ethical sense.
  2. Develop a professional with basic knowledge that allows him/her to consider establishing his/her own business in the field of sound.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Program is designed to develop the competences that allow the student to:


  1. Know the fundamentals and skills of the exercise of sound production and postproduction.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge about the legal, ethical and moral aspects that govern the field of music production.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the equipment and the computer programs used in the field of sound production and post-production.


  1. Use oral and written English and Spanish correctly.
  2. Use vocabulary essential to the discipline of sound production and postproduction.
  3. Integrate and apply the principles and theoretical foundations of theory and practice in the field of sound production and postproduction to real situations in the world of work.
  4. Install and operate equipment related to the field of sound.
  5. Use specialized computer programs that are used in the field of sound.


  1. Value the decision-making process in the work scenario.
  2. Recognize the need to keep updated on the latest technological advances in the field of sound.
  3. Recognize opportunities for self-employment in the industry of sound production and post-production.

Requirements for the Associate Degree in Applied Sciences in Sound Production and Post Production

General Education Requirements 24 credits
Major Requirements 36 credits
Total 60 credits

General Education Requirements - 24 credits

Twenty-four (24) credits are required for the associate degree as explained in the Catalog. Students in this Program will take GEMA 1200 in the Basic Mathematics Skills category.

Major Requirements - 36 credits

COMU 1051Sound Production Techniques


COMU 1070Voice and Diction


COMU 1075Fundamentals of Music


COMU 1080Introduction to Multichannel Recordings


COMU 2226Techniques for Recording of Sound


COMU 2228Mixture and Postproduction of Sound


COMU 2230Live Sound in And Outside the Studio


COMU 2345Advanced Sound Production


COMU 2350Programming and Musical Arrangements for Videos Seminar


COMU 2380Legal and Ethical Aspects in the Music Industry


COMU 2980Portfolio / Final Project


ENTR 2200Foundations of Entrepreneurship


Academic Performance Requirements:

Students enrolled in the Associate Degree in Applied Sciences in Sound Production and Postproduction must pass their major courses with a minimum of C.