Minor in Sacred Music
The Minor in Sacred Music offers students training in musical theory as well as in musical techniques. It exposes students to the hermeneutic and liturgical study of sacred music as well as to its historical and contextual study. In addition, it allows them to perform as musicians in churches, to be developed in the area of religious music and to form instrumental or vocal groups in churches.
In order to declare the minor in Sacred Music the approval of the Academic Adviser and of the Director of the Department of Popular Music is required, and passing the preparatory courses of Theory and Sight Reading I and II is required before continuing with the remaining courses of the minor.
The Metropolitan Campus is authorized to offer this minor.
Requirements for the Minor in Sacred Music - 21 credits
Courses for the Minor in Sacred Music
Six credits selected from the following courses:*
*Students will take 6 credits in the courses from the component of Preparatory Music where they will take an instrument: piano or guitar and voice. Students whose major is Popular Music and their main instrument is piano or guitar, must take the course of the instrument that is not theirs. Those students whose preparation is in Voice will take Piano and Guitar.