Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Policy

Students have the option to create PLA portfolios for college credit evaluation. The student will complete CBU's online course to learn how to prepare a portfolio. At the end of the course, the student submits the portfolio for review by an examiner who is an expert in that subject matter. Credit is awarded based on the recommendation of the portfolio examiner.

The following are important considerations in determining PLA:

  • Credit is awarded for college-level learning, and not simply for experience.
  • Awarded credit must apply to the student's degree program.
  • PLA credit cannot be awarded for any course for which the student has received transfer or CBU credit (i.e., duplicate credit).
  • PLA credit cannot be awarded for any course that the student has failed at CBU or any other educational institution.

All students must meet the residency requirements for earning a CBU degree. These requirements are outlined in the current CBU catalog.