Global College Admissions and Registration

(See Policies & Undergraduate Programs/Admissions and Registration for additional information)

An applicant may seek admission to a degree program or as a special student. Degree-seeking students are those working on an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree at Christian Brothers University. An applicant for special status may be admitted as a special/conditional student or as a transient student.

Degree Student: A degree student is one who has been fully admitted to one of the Global College degree programs.

Full-Time Student: A student who registers for 12 or more credit hours of course work in each full semester.

Part-Time Student: A student who is enrolled in less than 12 credit hours of course work in each full semester.

Special Student: A special student is one who is admitted as a visiting student and is non-degree seeking.

Transient Student: A student who is a degree-seeking student at another college or university, enrolling for credit in selected courses at Christian Brothers University. A letter from the visitor’s college or university certifying official that the student is in good standing is required along with an official copy of a transcript.

Readmit Student: Students who have previously attended Christian Brothers University and have been out of school for at least two 8-week terms must submit an application for readmission. Approval from appropriate departments must be secured before readmission is granted.