Spanish (B.A.)

The Spanish program provides students with proficiency in the four basic skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—and gives them a deeper understanding of Hispanic culture and literature. It aims to prepare Spanish majors for graduate studies, teaching and also to broaden their opportunities in career areas such as translation and interpretation, diplomatic service, international business and industry, social welfare, law, allied health professions, communications and services, among other industries. Students are placed in Spanish classes according to their level of proficiency. The Spanish program offers two specializations: Language and Literature, and Translation and Interpretation. Internships (SPA-499) are available as a 3 or 6 credit option. Up to 6 credits in Spanish at the 200 level will be granted for the Spanish major and minor to students passing the language and/or literature Advancement Placement examination with a score of four or more. The minimum grade of C is required in all major and minor courses.