Entertainment and Sport Management Minor

Sponsoring department:

School of Business

Molloy Program of Study Code: ESMMI


Required Courses

BUS 1010Introduction to Business


BUS 2010Principles of Management


BUS 3200Entertainment and Sport Management Leadership


BUS 3300Entertainment Facility and Event Management


Complete 2 courses from one of these options (6 Credits)

NOTE: One course in each option is a prerequisite for a required Entertainment & Sports Management content course.

Take the prerequisite course first.

Option One:

Prerequisite: BLW 2400

Required: BLW 3100

Option Two:

Prerequisite: MKT 2300

Required: MKT 3320

Option Three:

Prerequisite: ECO 2510 or ECO 2520

Required: ECO 3750.

Total Credit Hours: 18

Requirements for School of Business Majors

Accounting Majors (ESAMI): Complete BUS 3200 and BUS 3300. Complete from Option One or Three: BLW 3100 or ECO 3750. If taking MKT 3320, then MKT 2300 will also be required. (Adds 3 credits to total) (9-12 Credits Total)

Economics Majors (ESEMI): Complete BUS 2010, BUS 3200, BUS 3300. Complete Option Three: ECO 3750. (There is a limit of 9 credits from the Economics major requirements and major electives that can be applied to this Minor. Up to 6 credits for this Minor can be taken as major electives. Additional credits may be needed, depending upon use of the major electives. BUS 2010 and BUS 3200 are recommended to be taken as Economics major electives. BUS 3300 and ECO 3750 would be restricted to applying to this minor only, not to the major electives.) The Associate Dean for the School of Business can assist with planning courses to take. (6 Credits Total)

Finance Majors (ESFMI): Complete BUS 3200 and BUS 3300. Complete one required course from one of the Options: BLW 3100, MKT 3320 or ECO 3750. If choosing ECO 3750, it may be applied to the Finance major electives. BLW 3100 and MKT 3320 may not be double counted for the major electives. The limit is 9 credits from the major requirements and major electives an apply to this minor. The Associate Dean for the School of Business can assist with planning courses to take. (9 Credits Total Needed - Not Applying to the Major)

Management Majors (ESBMI): Complete BUS 3200 and BUS 3300. Complete one of the Options: BLW 3100, MKT 3320 or ECO 3750. If choosing Option Three - ECO 3750, this course may also be counted as a major elective. None of the other courses (BUS 3200, BUS 3300, BLW 3100 or MKT 3320) may be taken as a major elective. The limit is 9 credits from the major requirement and major electives that can be applied to this minor. The Associate Dean for the School of Business can assist with planning courses to take. (6-9 Credits Total)

Marketing Majors (ESRMI): Complete BUS 3200 and BUS 3300. Complete one of the Options: BLW 3100, MKT 3320 or ECO 3750. If choosing Option Three - ECO 3750, this course may also be counted as a major elective. None of the other courses (BUS 3200, BUS 3300, BLW 3100 or MKT 3320) may be taken as a major elective. The limit is 9 credits from the major requirement and major electives that can be applied to this minor. The Associate Dean for the School of Business can assist with planning courses to take. (6-9 Credits Total)