MGT 567 Leadership for OrganizationsActivities in Executive Leadership

This course addresses fundamental leadershipconcepts, principles and classical theories in amanner that facilitates real-world application.Emphasis is on the development of leadershipbehaviors and critical thinking skills in anorganizational behavior framework. Case studiesare used to present challenging scenarios whichtest students? abilities to accurately diagnosesituations and develop sound leadershipinterventions. Course also includes an individualleadership assessment and development phase duringthe first week of the Davis EMBA experience. Avariety of individual leadership assessmentinstruments will be administered to students todetermine particular levels of development acrossmultiple spectra. Feedback from these diagnosticsinforms the student about strengths andweaknesses. Students design and implement anindividualized development plan to addressidentified deficiencies revealed by theinstruments. The plan is used as a tool to guidestudent leadership development and growththroughout the Davis EMBA experience. Assessmentresults and action plans are documented via anelectronic leadership portfolio.
