Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching (MEd) Requirements

The Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching is oriented towards curriculum development in diverse, local or international educational settings. Integrates technology in learning and teaching processes, online education and the search for information within the structural components of the curriculum.

It is also aimed at developing leaders in curriculum and teaching, with professional skills focused on research and analysis of problems that lead to the creative and innovative reformulation of the school curriculum. In addition, it helps to develop in the student a broad, critical and creative vision of the curricular components of an educational system, as well as the understanding of the controversial issues and core problems that afflict it.

The theoretical-practical approach of this master's degree promotes the development of an educational project that impacts the school curriculum within the selected specialization. The Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching offers a set of integrated experiences that direct the student to address important issues of education - local and international - that contribute to the improvement of the school community. The Program is based on the ethical and legal principles of the profession.

The Aguadilla, Arecibo, Barranquitas, and Ponce campuses are authorized to offer the following specializations:

  1. Biology: Arecibo, Barranquitas, Ponce

    Biology Online: Ponce

  2. English as a Second Language: Arecibo, Barranquitas, Ponce

    English as a Second Language Online: Ponce

  3. History: Barranquitas
  4. Mathematics: Arecibo, Ponce

    Mathematics Online: Ponce

  5. Spanish: Barranquitas, Ponce

    Spanish Online: Ponce

Program Goals

The Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching aims to achieve the following goals:

  1. Develop education professionals focused on mastery of the discipline, contextualized in curricular development in local or international educational settings.
  2. Promote research, information management and the use of technology as means for the development of the curriculum.
  3. Promote the solution of problems related to the development of the curriculum in different educational environments within the framework of ethical, legal and social responsibility.
  4. Develop educational leaders committed to their professional development and curriculum development as central axes of educational management.

Program Objectives

The Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching aims to achieve the following general objectives:

  1. Apply in an integrated way the theoretical and methodological knowledge to the practice of curriculum development in local or international educational settings.
  2. Use research, information sources and technological advances to support the development of curricular innovations.
  3. Apply the ethical, legal and social dimensions in the processes of solving problems related to the development of the curriculum in the different educational contexts.
  4. Demonstrate commitment to the continuous improvement of the professional skills required in the discipline.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Program is designed to develop the general competences that allow the student:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. psychosocial theories of education.
  2. teaching and learning styles.
  3. teaching models and strategies.
  4. the evaluation and assessment techniques of the curriculum, and of the learning and teaching processes.
  5. the methodology of research and curriculum evaluation.


  1. Analyze teaching methods to facilitate learning in diverse educational settings.
  2. Apply research techniques to promote curricular changes.
  3. Design curricular projects taking into account various teaching methods within the context of differentiated learning.
  4. Apply educational technology to curriculum development.
  5. Evaluate curricular programs in force in local or international education systems.


  1. Assume leadership and professional responsibility roles in the different educational scenarios and community contexts to promote the learning and integral development of students.
  2. Demonstrate respect and tolerance towards individual and cultural differences of students in educational settings.
  3. Demonstrate a critical and creative attitude towards the management of the information available in different sources related to the discipline.

Admission Requirements to the Program

To be admitted, the student must:

  1. Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university.
  2. Have a minimum academic index of 3.00 in the last 60 credits at the undergraduate, graduate level or a combination of both.
    1. A student with postgraduate credits from an accredited university can combine these postgraduate credits with the last credits approved at the undergraduate level until completing the 60 stipulated credits.
    2. Students who apply to graduate programs that do not meet the required academic index, repeated courses after graduation for purposes of the entry rate, rather than the original grades, may be counted on.
  3. Academic degrees earned in institutions outside the United States must be verified and accredited by World Education Service (WES) organizations: International Credential Evaluation (, Josef Silny & Associates (, FCSA = Foreign Credential Service of America ( Foreign Credential Evaluation Service ( or some similar entity for the determination of equivalences with degrees of universities in the United States.
  4. Demonstrate command of the language in English and Spanish. This includes the ability to interpret professional material and to express oneself appropriately in written form in one of the two languages
  5. Have passed a statistics course or its equivalent.

Requirements for the Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching in Biology, English as a Second Language, History, Mathematics, and Spanish

Core Course Requirements in Education 9 credits
Specialization Requirements in Curriculum and Teaching 15 credits
Specialization Requirements (Subjects) 15 credits
Total 39 credits

Core Course Requirements in Education - 9 credits

EDUC 5047Psychosocial Foundations of Education


EDUC 6580Integration of Technology in Instructional Design


EDUC 6931Research or Application Project in the Area of Specialization I


Requirements in Curriculum and Teaching - 15 credits

EDUC 6024Educational Measurement and Evaluation


EDUC 6046Curriculum Development


EDUC 6056Curriculum Evaluation


EDUC 6057Teaching Models and Strategies


Student will select one course from the following

EDUC 6932Research or Application Project in the Area of Specialization II



EDUC 697_Integration Seminar in Special Education


An elective course in the Specialization at the 5000 or major level


An elective course in the Specialization at the 5000 or major level: In case the option of Comprehensive Examination is selected.

Students of the Master in Curriculum and Teaching may choose among three options to fulfill the requirements of their academic degree:

  1. Continue with the completion of a research project or of the application in the specialization area (EDUC 6932).
  2. Take the course Integration Seminar (EDUC 697-).
  3. Take aa three credit elective course at the 5000 or major level in the Specialization if they decide on the Comprehensive Examination.

Graduation Requirements

In order to meet the institutional graduation requirements for the Master in Curriculum and Teaching, students must satisfy on of the following options:

EDUC 6932Research or Application Project in the Area of Specialization II



EDUC 697_Integration Seminar in Special Education


A Comprehensive Examination and an elective three credit course in the Specialization at the 5000 level or above