Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Information Security (MS)

The Master of Science in Information Security offers studies of a high level of complexity and specialization for the evaluation, analysis, administration and implementation of security strategies in computer information systems. The program is directed to all those professionals who hold a Bachelor in areas of Computer Sciences or Information Systems or their equivalent. It is also an alternative for the professional of any discipline who has approved specific courses in the computation area and wishes to enter the computation field. Graduates of the Program will be able to contribute their knowledge and skills in information security systems in public or private companies and institutions. The Program allows the interested student to aspire to obtain the following professional certifications: Certified Network Defense Professional (CNDP), Certified Cybercrime Forensic Investigator (CCFI), Certified Intrusion Detection Specialist (CIDS) and the option of the Certified Voice over Internet Security (CVoIP). The student will be responsible for obtaining these certifications through the Department of Continuing Education of the Metropolitan Campus.

The Metropolitan Campus is authorized to offer this Program through online education.

Competencies of Graduate Profile

The Master of Science in Information Security is designed to develop the skills that allow the student to:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. the different security concepts.
  2. vulnerabilities in an information system.


  1. Integrate security strategies into information systems.
  2. Analyze digital evidence during a forensic investigation process in information systems.


  1. Maintain a proactive vision of continuous technological advances in the area of security in information systems.
  2. Consider the social, economic and legal repercussions on individuals, companies and organizations related to security in information systems.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the of Master of Science in Information Security, the candidate must meet the general admission requirements for a master’s degree, established by Inter American University of Puerto Rico in its Graduate Catalog and must meet the following specific requirements of the program:

To be admitted to the Program, the candidate must:

  1. Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or educational institution, in any of the following areas:
    1. computation,
    2. information systems,
    3. mathematics,
    4. engineering,
    5. or related areas, subject to the evaluation of the coordinator.
  2. Have an academic index of at least 3.0 in the last 60 credits.
  3. Have approved a course of:
    1. Programming Logic or its equivalent
    2. Structured Programming in any of the following languages: Java, C#, C++ or its equivalent
    3. Networks and telecommunications or their equivalent
    4. Computer Security or its equivalent

Graduation Requirements

In addition to the graduation requirements established in the current Graduate Catalog, the following requirements are required:

  1. Approve course 6980 INSE - Development of a Security Project to comply with section “Institutional Graduation Requirements for Master’s Programs” of this Catalog, in relation to the research seminars.
  2. Have a minimum academic average of 3.00 points.

Requirements for the Master of Science in Information Security

Specialization Requirements 27 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 6 credits
Total 33 credits

Specialization Requirements - 27 credits

INSE 5101Fundamentals of Security in Networks I


INSE 5102Fundamentals of Security in Networks II


INSE 5130Cyber Fraud


INSE 5140Security in E-Commerce


INSE 5201Forensic Informatics I


INSE 5202Forensic Informatics II


INSE 6100Incident Management


INSE 6120Risk Analysis


INSE 6980Development of a Security Project


Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 6 credits

Six (6) prescribed distributive credits are required from the following courses: 

INSE 5400Security in Networks of Voice on Internet (VOIP)


INSE 5600Security in Databases


INSE 6200Auditing of Information Systems


INSE 6400Special Topics in Security


INSE 6130Research Methodology