General Catalog 2023-2024

Human Resources Management (BBA)

Human Resources Management is a discipline of great importance in the strategic planning of organizations. The fundamental purpose of the Bachelor of Business Administration program in Human Resources Management is to provide students the knowledge, skills and abilities on the principles, practices and the processes of the strategic management of human resources. The Program emphasizes the importance of the integration of the objectives of human resources management with the organization’s objectives and foments the attitudes that professionals in this field must possess.

Students must approve the required core and major courses with a minimum grade of C.

This Program, in the San Germán Campus, is accredited by the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE), located on 11374 Strang Line Road, Lenexa, Kansas, USA.

This Program, in the Bayamón Campus, is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) (

All campuses are authorized to offer this Program. The Aguadilla, Barranquitas, Ponce, and San Germán campuses are also authorized to offer this Program through online education.

Program Goals:

The Bachelor of Business Administration program in Human Resource Management is designed to develop professionals who can:

  1. Play a strategic role in the management of human resources in the workplace in a global environment.
  2. Recognize the diversity of the workforce as active human capital in organizations.
  3. Exercise leadership and be agents of change with social responsibility and ethical behavior.

Program Objectives:

  1. Recognize the role of strategic administration of human resources management in organizations in the global environment.
  2. Learn how the practices and policies of human resources management are articulated with the strategic administration of organizations.
  3. Identify the characteristics of the workforce based on the practices of human resources management.
  4. Learn to manage job diversity.
  5. Develop the ethical-legal framework in the profession of human resources management.
  6. Recognize the importance of continuous improvement in their profession and related areas to foster leaders as agents of change with social responsibility.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

This Program is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


  1. Recognize the contribution of human resources administration to managerial functions and its impact on the organization's strategic decision-making.
  2. Identify the areas of the human resources related to recruitment, selection, training and development of the human resource; to compensations, labor legislation, syndication and collective bargaining; and to security and hygiene in the organizational work environment.
  3. Compare the federal and state legal framework applicable to human resources management.
  4. Explain the competitive advantage that the organizations must develop through their human resources to obtain a positioning in the local and international markets.


  1. Apply the practices and the policies of the of human resources management that support the strategic administration of organizations using the information systems in human resources.
  2. Communicate with property and correction, in oral as well as in written form, with the professional language of their field.


  1. Show an ethical conduct in harmony with the standards of the profession in their performance and commitment to their professional improvement..
  2. Appreciate the importance of diversity and inclusion, as well as the sensitivity considering the needs of the workforce.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Human Resources Management

General Education Requirements 48 credits
Core Course Requirements 47 credits
Major Requirements 21 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 3 credits
Elective Courses 3 credits
Total 122 credits

General Education Requirements - 48 credits

Forty-eight (48) credits are required as explained in the section “General Education Requirements for Bachelors’ Degrees.” Students in this Program will take GEMA 1200 in the Basic Mathematical Skills category.

Core Course Requirements - 47 credits

ACCT 1161Introduction to Financial Accounting


ACCT 1162Introduction to Managerial Accounting


BADM 1900Fundamentals of Business Management


BADM 3313The Law and The Businesses


BADM 3900Information Systems in Organizations


FINA 2101Corporate Finance I


INTB 2100Introduction to International Business


MAEC 2140Fundamentals of Quantitative Methods


MAEC 2211Principles of Microeconomics


MAEC 2212Principles of Macroeconomics


MAEC 2221Basic Statistics


MAEC 2222Managerial Statistics


MKTG 1210Introduction to Marketing


OPMS 3000Operations Management of Manufacturing and Service



OMSY 3030Business Communication in Spanish



OMSY 3040Business Communication in English


Major Requirements - 21 credits

HRMA 2100Human Resource Administration


HRMA 3000Organization Behavior


HRMA 3100Leadership and Supervision


HRMA 3400Training and Development


HRMA 3500Labor Legislation


HRMA 3600Wage and Salary Management


HRMA 4970Integration Seminar


Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 3 credits

Students will choose three (3) credits from the following:

HRMA 3200Labor Security and Hygiene


HRMA 4100Syndication and Collective Bargaining


HRMA 4915Supervised Practice