General Catalog 2021-2022

Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development (BBA)

The Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development Program is designed to provide the student with knowledge of the principles that govern the commercial development of companies and their business activities. The Bachelor’s in Business Administration Program with a major in Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development seeks to prepare professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to explore self-employment as a feasible alternative in their professional career or to occupy a position as a business manager.

The student is presented with the concepts, principles and fundamental practices of the different disciplines that include the development and the administration of companies and entrepreneurialism, such as: management, entrepreneurialism, accounting, marketing, economics, finance, quantitative methods and human resources.

Students must pass the required core and major courses with a minimum grade of C.

This Program, in the San Germán Campus, is accredited by the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE), located on 11374 Strang Line Road, Lenexa, Kansas, USA.

This Program, in the Bayamón Campus, is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) (

All campuses are authorized to offer this Program, including the University Center in Caguas from the Metropolitan Campus. In addition, the Bayamón Campus and the University Center in Caguas are authorized to offer this Program through online education.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

This Program is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


  1. Know the theoretical principles on administration, design and organizational behavior.
  2. Know the scientific and mathematical concepts and their applicability in the operation of an organization.
  3. Know the basic principles the financial information and their effect in decision-making.
  4. Know the nature and function of organizations and their effects in society.
  5. Know the concepts of social and ethical responsibility and their contribution to society.
  6. Know the fundamental principles and concepts of entrepreneurship and their application in the organization.
  7. Know the diverse business and managerial strategies.
  8. Know the administrative concepts, theories and principles of the operation of an organization.


  1. Analyze the legal frame that the company is responsible for.
  2. Administer the resources, policies and procedures of the company in harmony with the internal challenges and of the organizational environment.
  3. Examine critically and creatively the changes of the environment that affect the organization and propose strategies to face them.
  4. Apply the basic functions of administration in the organization.
  5. Apply the quantitative and qualitative analysis through the use of contemporary technology in the solution of organizational problem.
  6. Design strategic plans for the achievement of organizational goals and objectives.
  7. Exert leadership to develop and administer a company.
  8. Integrate managerial theory to the different work scenarios.
  9. Prepare a Business Plan.
  10. Execute a Business Plan.


  1. Appreciate the ethical values that predominate in the creation, development and administration of a company.
  2. Recognize the importance of entrepreneurship in the company and in the country's economy.
  3. Express the importance of the development of critical and creative thought.
  4. Foster collaborative work.
  5. Recognize the importance of family businesses in the economic and social development of a country.
  6. Show interest in establishing their own company.

Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for the Entrepreneurial and Managerial Practice or for Managerial Simulation are the following:

  1. Have the approval of the Department Director or the Practice Coordinator.
  2. Maintain a minimum index of 2.25 in the major.
  3. Have approved courses ENTR 4400 and ACCT 1162.

The Entrepreneurial and Managerial Practice course can be validated for students who make such a request and have satisfactory fulfilled the established requirements. Such validation will be subject to students’ presentation of the following:

  1. A formal request to the Director of the Academic Department showing evidence of having held a position as a businessman or manager uninterruptedly for at least three years.
  2. A Portfolio showing their professional performance during employment.
  3. An interview coordinated by the Director of the Academic Department and to be held with faculty members.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development

General Education Requirements 48 credits
Core Course Requirements 41 credits
Major Requirements 30 credits
Elective Courses 3 credits
Total 122 credits

General Education Requirements - 48 credits

Forty-eight (48) credits are required as explained in the section “General Education Requirements for Bachelors’ Degrees.” Students in this Program will take GEMA 1200 in the Basic Mathematical Skills category.

Core Course Requirements - 41 credits

ACCT 1161Introduction to Financial Accounting


ACCT 1162Introduction to Managerial Accounting


BADM 1900Fundamentals of Business Management


BADM 3900Information Systems in Organizations


BADM 4300Managerial Economics


FINA 2101Corporate Finance I


MAEC 2140Fundamentals of Quantitative Methods


MAEC 2211Principles of Microeconomics


MAEC 2212Principles of Macroeconomics


MAEC 2221Basic Statistics


MAEC 2222Managerial Statistics


MKTG 1210Introduction to Marketing



OMSY 3030Business Communication in Spanish



OMSY 3040Business Communication in English


Major Requirements - 30 credits

HRMA 3000Organization Behavior


BADM 3313The Law and The Businesses


HRMA 2100Human Resource Administration


HRMA 3500Labor Legislation


OPMS 3000Operations Management of Manufacturing and Service


ENTR 2200Foundations of Entrepreneurship


ENTR 3900Entrepreneurial and Managerial Strategies


ENTR 3910Family Businesses


ENTR 4400Design and Development of a Business Plan



ENTR 4910Entrepreneurial and Managerial Practicum



ENTR 4930Entrepreneurial or Managerial Project


Additional Notes:

  1. The selection of the practice center must be validated by the professor, as well as the procedure for submitting the documentation required by the Institution.
  2. Satisfactory work experience may be validated for practice (ENTR 4910) for students, who request it in writing to the director of the academic department. This confirmation will be subject to whether:
    1. The student has been working full-time for a minimum period of two consecutive years in a company within three years immediately prior to the date of the request.
    2. The student submits a certification and letter from the employer or the Office of Human Resources of the work place that specifies:
      1. Years of experience.
      2. Period of time in which he was employed.
      3. Position or positions occupied.
      4. Description of tasks.
      5. Copies of the evaluations received.
      6. Any other evidence of his professional performance during the time of employment.