Admission Classifications by University Standards (Master’s only)

This section describes the criteria the applicant must meet in order to be eligible for a particular admission classification based on the University’s minimum standards for graduate admission.

Upon submitting the university required documents for admission, the Graduate College will review the applicant’s documents and determine the admission classification eligibility. The specific graduate program to which the student is applying will then be advised of the applicant’s highest possible eligibility based on the university’s standards.

A graduate program may admit a student into the program with a lower admission classification. The graduate programs will base admission decisions on the criteria established for that particular program. Graduate programs may not set standards lower than the university’s standards.

The following admission classifications are based on a number of criteria such as, but not limited to, GPA calculation, degree standing from an accredited university, and official/unofficial status of transcripts.

Departments are allowed to add criteria for admission into a particular program such as, but not limited to, test scores, letters of recommendation, essays, etc. Please contact the department chair or program director and refer to the appropriate program section in the catalog for more information on additional documentation requirements for a particular graduate program.

Admission classifications for doctoral students are listed in the respective program information.

Graduate Admission GPA Calculation

The Graduate Admission GPA is calculated as follows:

  1. All academic work undertaken and grades or symbols assigned at each institution shall be reflected on the student’s official transcript(s). No grade may be expunged or excluded from the student’s record. An applicant who has earned a bachelor’s degree under the “Academic Fresh Start” statue, Texas Education Code, Section 51.931, will be evaluated only on a grade point average of the coursework completed for that bachelor’s degree and the other criteria stated herein. For more information on the Academic Fresh Start program, see the Undergraduate Catalog.
  2. All grades for academic coursework assigned, including all grades in courses which have been repeated, will be used in calculating the graduate admission grade point average, which can include any previous work in a graduate or professional school other than remedial or non- credit courses.
  3. The GPA computation is based on a four-point scale (e.g.: A=4 points per semester hour, B=3 points per semester hour, C=2 points per semester hour, D=1 point per semester hour, and F=0 points per semester hour).
  4. A grade or symbol indicating failure (i.e., F) will count as hours undertaken, but no grade points will be earned.
  5. Excluded from the grade point average will be any credit by examination (CR), Withdrew (W), Incomplete (I), and a Pass grade within a pass/fail system.
  6. The GPA is computed by multiplying each grade point (see 3. under this section) by the semester or quarter credit hours earned per course and totaling the products. The semester or quarter hours of courses undertaken will then be totaled. The total of the products will be divided by the total semester or quarter hours. The result (calculated to the 100th place) is the official cumulative grade point average for admission to graduate programs.

Clear Admission

An applicant who meets the following criteria is eligible for clear admission to a graduate degree program:

  1. Awarded a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and earned at least a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) GPA in the last 60 semester hours or the equivalent in quarter hours on the applicants bachelors degree transcript; or
  2. Earned a previous master’s degree or doctoral degree from an accredited university.

Conditional Admission

Students not eligible for Clear Admission may be admitted conditionally. Once the conditions are satisfied, the admissions classification will be updated to “clear.”

Based on Academic Record

An applicant meeting the following criteria may be granted conditional admission:

  1. Awarded a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution;
  2. Earned between a 2.75 and 2.99 (on a 4.0 scale) GPA in the last 60 semester hours or the equivalent in quarter hours on the applicants bachelors degree transcript.
  • An applicant granted conditional admission based on academic standing may not enroll for more than 12 graduate hours in total while on conditional admittance.
  • A student on conditional status who earns any graduate grade less than a B will not be allowed to continue in UTRGV graduate programs. The student may appeal this decision to the Dean of the Graduate College through the department chair or program director and the dean, who will each provide a recommendation on the appeal. The appeal must be in writing to the department chair or the program to which the student is applying and should provide an explanation of any extenuating circumstances to be considered. The Graduate College Dean’s decision shall be final.
  • At the end of the semester in which a conditional student’s total earned graduate hours are six or more and the student’s graduate GPA is 3.0 or better with no grade less than B, the student’s admission classification will be changed to “clear.”

Based on Unofficial Documentation

Master’s applicants may be granted conditional admission pending confirmation of a baccalaureate degree. The following apply:

  1. The applicant has yet to be awarded a baccalaureate degree at the time of admission but anticipates earning the degree prior to enrolling in a graduate degree program.
  2. The applicant has submitted unofficial documents.*
  3. The student meets the minimum GPA requirements.

Conditional admission is for one module, or one long semester, or one summer module, or two-consecutive summer semesters. A student who enrolls in a graduate course(s) will have started his or her conditional semester regardless of whether the student drops or withdraws during the semester. The student must provide degree confirmation prior to enrolling in future semesters. However, students may continue to register for future semesters with the understanding that they will be dropped from classes and the refund of payment may not be granted if conditional admission requirements are not met.

At the end of one module or one long semester or one summer module or two consecutive summer semesters of conditional admission, the student will be reclassified to one of the other admission classifications, including no admission, based on the official documentation received.

*Students accepted under conditional admission are responsible for contacting the Graduate College to verify receipt of documentation and to request reclassification of admission status.

Based on Graduate Program Requirements

Graduate programs may accept students on a conditional basis if additional requirements must be met before the student is eligible for clear admission, i.e., completion of designated foundation coursework. These requirements will be conveyed to the student at the time of admission.

Once the graduate program requirements are met, the student will be reclassified into one of the other admission classifications, including no admission.

NOTE: Undergraduates seeking conditional admission should refer to the section on Reservation of Work by Undergraduates for Graduate Credit.

No Admission

An applicant not meeting the minimum graduate admission requirements for the university or the admission criteria for the graduate degree program will not be admitted. However, admission to a graduate program is not guaranteed if a student meets these criteria as some programs may have enrollment limitations.

The applicant may appeal this decision to the dean of the Graduate College through the department chair or program director and the college dean, who will each provide a recommendation on the appeal. The appeal must be in writing to the department chair or the program to which the student is applying and should provide an explanation of any extenuating circumstances to be considered. The decision of the dean of the Graduate College shall be final. A student admitted as a result of an appeal will normally be granted conditional admission.

An applicant not admitted to a graduate program may be eligible to enroll in undergraduate classes at the university after undergoing the proper admission process for undergraduate courses.

If an applicant is not admitted into one graduate degree program, the applicant may still be eligible for admission into another degree program. Please schedule an appointment with an academic adviser to discuss this option. Application to a different graduate program may require a new application for admission.