201-3 - President Council


Title:  President's Council
Owner: University President
Last Update/Revision: 02/25/2021

Policy: The Presidents Council reviews and approves policies consistent with the University's mission and compliant with federal, state, and other regulatory agencies. 

Purpose: The President's Council aims to approve University policies for full adjudication and publication.

Scope: This policy shall apply to all University constituencies: e.g., Academic Affairs, Student Services, Admissions, Operations, etc.

Members and Responsibilities: The President's Council (PC) shall have representation, at a minimum, from each department. Each member of the PC has the responsibility to present policy.

Voting Members:

Provost, Chief   Academic Officer

Chief Financial Officer

Dean, College of Nursing and Health Science

Dean, College of  Business and  Technology 

Dean, College of Education

Executive Director,  Registrar's Operations and  Academic Compliance

Non-Voting Members:

Director of Academic Services

Senior Director of Regulatory Compliance and Institutional Effectiveness (AGI)


University President