AS in Technical Studies

Option Overview

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The Associate of Science degree program with an area of study in Technical Studies is a 60-credit program designed to prepare students with diversified knowledge within applied science and technology. This degree is designed for students in multiple disciplinary occupations, such as technical supervisors responsible for mechanical and electrical operations; clinical supervisors responsible for radiation protection, radiations therapy, and medical imaging; and technologists responsible for troubleshooting of electrical, mechanical, and programmable logic interfaces.


How Students Earn Credit in the Option: Apart from courses offered online by the University, students can transfer credits from military/industrial training, licenses and certifications, that have been evaluated for college credits, prior learning assessments PLA, and courses from other regionally accredited universities.

Credit Distribution

Courses in the General Education Requirements are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas and can be viewed on our website under General Education Courses.

I. General Education Requirements Credits (38 Credits)

A. Intellectual and Practical Skills (15 credits)

ENC -101Writing for Success


ENC-102English Composition II


COM-209Public Speaking


MAT-121College Algebra


SOS-110Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today


B. Civic and Global Leadership (9 credits)

ETH-230Ethics in the Digital Age


POS-110American Government


SOC-101Our Changing World An Introduction to Sociology


C. Knowledge of Human Cultures (6 credits)

HIS-114American History II


LIB-342Online Obsessions: Determining and Dealing with Digital Dependency


D. Understanding the Physical and Natural World (8 credits)

PHY-115Physics I with Lab


PHY-116Physics II with Lab


II. Option Requirements (21 Credits)

Complete 21 credits in Technical Studies area and the 3 credit Capstone course. For course options, please contact an Advisor.

Associate Capstone

APS-295Associate Capstone


III. Electives (1 Credit)

For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses.

Total Credit Hours: 60