Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging Sciences

Program Overview

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Offered in conjunction with the Rutgers School of Health Professions.

The Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging Sciences BSMIS degree is a joint degree program with the Rutgers School of Health Professions SHRP. The degree program is designed for students who are already in the allied health field. For most students, the core and area of study credits will be earned through Rutgers courses, which will be available both in the classroom and on the internet. Those credits in general education, specialization and electives that are not complete at the time of enrollment may be completed using Thomas Edison State University’s credit earning options, particularly Guided Study or prior learning assessment PLA. Students are required to complete at least 12 credits from Thomas Edison State University.

The program is specifically geared toward advancing and broadening the skills of health-related professionals prepared at the associate degree/certificate levels. Health-related professionals are entering a challenging era of practice as the healthcare delivery environment continues to change and grow. The new delivery systems and challenging demographics are creating new career opportunities for individuals in the healthcare field.

Admission to Program

Prospective students must apply through Rutgers School of Health Professions, observing the application deadlines of March 1 for the fall semester and July 1 for the spring semester. Applications may be obtained from Rutgers by calling 973 972- 5454 or by emailing For information contact Program Director Gurth Nanni at 908 889-2521. Once students are admitted, they are assigned an academic advisor from Rutgers, who will work with them on planning their academic programs.

For complete credit information, please visit:

Credit Distribution

Courses in the General Education Requirements are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas and can be viewed on our website under General Education Courses.

I General Education Requirements (60 Credits)

A. Intellectual and Practical Skills (15 Credits)

ENC -101Writing for Success


ENC-102English Composition II


COM-209Public Speaking


MAT-121College Algebra


SOS-110Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today


B. Civic and Global Leadership (9 Credits)

SOC-322Cultural Diversity in the United States


ETH-230Ethics in the Digital Age


POS-110American Government


C. Knowledge of Human Cultures (9 Credits)

ENG-201Technical Writing


PSY-101Introduction to Psychology


For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Knowledge of Human Cultures.

D. Understanding the Physical and Natural World (6 Credits)

BIO-211Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab


BIO-212Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab


E. Mathematics (3 Credits)

STA-201Principles of Statistics


F. General Education Electives (18 Credits)

CIS-107Computer Concepts and Applications


For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to General Education Electives – Select from any course listed in A, B, C, D or E.

To identify which of these courses is Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC), go to Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Courses

II. Area of Study Completed Entirely through Rutgers