Categories of Admission

First-Time Freshmen A first-time freshman is defined as a person who has never attended a regionally-accredited college or institution as a regular student, who enters college for the first time. A person may enter with a final high school transcript or high school equivalency diploma (GED/HiSet). Certain academic programs may have additional admissions requirements.

Transfer Students A transfer student is defined as a student who has previously enrolled at another regionally-accredited postsecondary institution, since obtaining a high school diploma or its equivalent.

Regular Transfer Student A transfer student whose cumulative GPA on transfer coursework articulated at SUSLA is at least 2.00. Note: Student must meet the minimum GPA that may be required by specific programs.

Former Transfer Student is a student previously enrolled at SUSLA as a regular student who attended another regionally-accredited institution after leaving SUSLA. Former students will return to the same academic status when they were last at SUSLA, unless he/she has earned additional college credits to alter his/her status.

Visiting Students A student who is enrolled in one or more courses at SUSLA, but whose home institution is another campus, is considered a visiting student.

Cross Enrollment Program With appropriate approval, a full-time student from approved institutions may register for one course at SUSLA without the payment of additional fees. Cross-enrolled students must meet SUSLA’s regular admission requirements for visiting students.

Early Start/Dual Enrollment Dual Enrollment is the enrollment of a high school (HS) student in a college course for which dual credit (both college and HS credit) is attempted and recorded on both the student’s secondary and postsecondary academic record. Postsecondary institutions must adhere to BOR Policy and must comply with all accreditation requirements for awarding credit (BOR 2018).