Regulations Regarding Resident Classification

For purposes of assigning tuition and fees at public institutions of higher education, a Louisiana resident shall be defined as an individual who has abandoned all prior domiciles and has been domiciled in the State of Louisiana continuously for a period herein called the domiciliary period, of at least one calendar year immediately preceding the first day of classes for which resident classification is sought. The individual’s physical presence within this state solely for education purposes without substantial evidence of the intent to remain in Louisiana will not be sufficient for resident classification; regardless of length of time within the state.

A person herein termed as a bona fide Louisiana resident is an individual who qualifies as a resident in accordance with the regulations prescribed in this section. An individual who is recognized under one of the mandated criteria as a bona fide Louisiana resident by any other of the system’s institutions shall so be recognized by every institution within the system; provided the individual’s category has not changed.

A non-resident is herein defined as an individual who cannot provide proof of eligibility for assignment of resident status under the regulations prescribed in this section.

Criteria for Assigning Resident Status

System institutions shall classify as residents’ persons, who in accordance with the one-year domiciliary requirement, resided in Louisiana for purposes other than to attend a Louisiana institution of higher education. Resident status so acquired in one public institution of higher education shall be transferable to any other such institution.

System institutions shall afford resident status to individuals in the following categories, and transfer to any other institution within the system shall not alter resident status so acquired:

  • Members of the armed forces who are currently stationed in Louisiana on active duty.
  • Dependents who reside with a bona fide Louisiana resident.
  • Spouses who reside with a bona fide Louisiana resident.

System institutions shall permit the following categories of individuals residing out-of-state to retain resident status, and transfer to any institution within the system shall not alter status:

  • Sons or daughters whose legal and/or natural parent is a graduate.
  • Dependents or spouses who live with persons residing in Louisiana and who provide appropriate documentary evidence substantiating that they have abandoned all prior domiciles and intend to remain in Louisiana.
  • Persons who have not and are not registered for more than the equivalent of six credit hours per semester and who have resided in Louisiana in accordance with the one-year domiciliary requirement.

Residence Appeals Committee

The Chancellor appoints a Residence Regulations Appeals Committee. Any student classified as a non-resident may appeal the classification to this committee.