120 credit hours
Required Woods Core (39 credit hours)
WC 100 | Into the Woods, Out of the Woods, Communities and Education | 3 |
CO 111 | Introduction to Human Communication | 3 |
EN 111 | English Composition and Research Writing | 3 |
HI 222 | World History Since 1900 | 3 |
TH 200 | Introduction to Religion and Spirituality | 3 |
EN 211 | Introduction to Literature | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
PH 320 | Ethics | 3 |
BI 330 | Bioethics for Healthcare Professionals | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
FR 111 | Basic French I | 3 |
SP 111 | Basic Spanish I | 3 |
WC 150 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
BU 131 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
PS 111 | General Psychology | 3 |
SO 211 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
MA 117 | Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
MA 253/PS 253 | Statistics | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
BI 101 | Biology: Unity and Diversity | 3 |
BI 101L | Biology: University and Diversity Laboratory | 0 |
| Or | |
CH 101 | Chemistry for Changing Times | 3 |
CH 101L | Chemistry for Changing Times Laboratory | 0 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
AD 200 | Studies in the Visual Arts | 3 |
MU 200 | American Music: From Jamestown to James Brown and Beyond | 3 |
TA 213 | Introduction to Theatre | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
WC 401 | Social Justice | 3 |
WC 402 | Sustainability | 3 |
WC 403 | Global Women Leading Change | 3 |
WC 480 | Woods Core Capstone Topics | 3 |
Required Major Courses (54 credit hours)
CS 100 | Programming for Everyone I | 3 |
CS 102 | Programming for Everyone II | 3 |
CS 200 | Web Development | 3 |
CS 202 | Application Development I | 3 |
CS 203 | Application Development II | 3 |
CS 300 | Introduction to C | 3 |
CS 302 | Data Structures | 3 |
CS 303 | Algorithms | 3 |
CS 400 | Product Development | 3 |
CS 402 | Product Launch | 3 |
MA 121 | Calculus I | 3 |
MA 122 | Calculus II | 3 |
MA 210 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 |
MA 222 | Sports Rankings: Applications in Linear Algebra | 3 |
MA 231 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
MA 232 | Introduction to Linear Modeling and Mathematical Computing | 3 |
MA 325 | Ordinary Differential Equations | 3 |
MA 355 | Statistical Methods and Data Analysis | 3 |
Open Electives
Possibility of open, undistributed elective credit hours depending on whether a student declares a concentration. The total degree requirements is 120 credit hours.
Optional Concentrations
Front-End (User Interface) (27 credit hours)
The frontend concentration emphasizes graphic design totaling 27 credit hours. With this concentration the student will learn how to implement and design a brand identity to work into frontend development. This concentration will distinguish our graduates with the knowledge and ability to create stunning, user friendly, and practical user interfaces.
AD 110 | 2D Foundations | 3 |
AD 157 | Digital Imaging | 3 |
AD 257 | Digital Illustration and Design | 3 |
AD 350 | Layout & Typography | 3 |
AD 351 | Design Principles and Application | 3 |
AD 357 | Web Design | 3 |
AD 449 | Visual Communication & Cognition | 3 |
AD 450 | Identity and Application | 3 |
BU 251 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
Management (21 credit hours)
The management concentration consists of 21 credit hours of business and leadership courses. This concentration will prepare students to step into leadership roles, and team organization on large projects. As new startups in the digital sector are popping up more and more rapidly, the need for an employee posed to step into leadership roles is highly desired.
BU 241 | Principles of Management | 3 |
BU 251 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
BU 281 | Managerial Communications | 3 |
BU 343 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
LS 275 | Intro to Leadership | 3 |
LS 375 | Leadership and Change | 3 |
LS 400 | Leadership in Teams and Community Organizations | 3 |
Data Structures (24 credit hours)
The data-structures concentration is in effect a double major in mathematics. In addition to the existing mathematics course, with two additional courses required: Graph Theory and Logic. With this concentration the student will receive more training in the theoretical underpinnings of relational data structures, computer logic, and algorithms. This concentration is designed for students wishing to peruse a post graduate degree to work in data science or logic-based programing. The courses included in this concentration include: