Equine Studies - B.S.
The Equine Studies Program focuses on the development of the professional, technical, and soft skills employed in the equine industry. Students receive comprehensive education in the care and management of the horse, riding theory and training concepts, farm facility design and management, equine systems and disorders, nutrition and the musculoskeletal system and their relationship to athletic performance, equine business management and management of equestrian activities.
Student must declare an area of concentration no later than their sophomore year.
120 credit hours
Required Woods Core (39 credit hours)
WC 100 | Into the Woods, Out of the Woods, Communities and Education | 3 |
CO 111 | Introduction to Human Communication | 3 |
EN 111 | English Composition and Research Writing | 3 |
HI 222 | World History Since 1900 | 3 |
TH 200 | Introduction to Religion and Spirituality | 3 |
EN 211 | Introduction to Literature | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
PH 320 | Ethics | 3 |
BI 330 | Bioethics for Healthcare Professionals | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
FR 111 | Basic French I | 3 |
SP 111 | Basic Spanish I | 3 |
WC 150 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
BU 131 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
PS 111 | General Psychology | 3 |
SO 211 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
MA 117 | Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
MA 253/PS 253 | Statistics | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
BI 101 | Biology: Unity and Diversity | 3 |
BI 101L | Biology: University and Diversity Laboratory | 0 |
| Or | |
CH 101 | Chemistry for Changing Times | 3 |
CH 101L | Chemistry for Changing Times Laboratory | 0 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
AD 200 | Studies in the Visual Arts | 3 |
MU 200 | American Music: From Jamestown to James Brown and Beyond | 3 |
TA 213 | Introduction to Theatre | 3 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
WC 401 | Social Justice | 3 |
WC 402 | Sustainability | 3 |
WC 403 | Global Women Leading Change | 3 |
WC 480 | Woods Core Capstone Topics | 3 |
Required Equine Studies Courses (36-42 credit hours)
These core courses are required of all students within the Equine Studies Major regardless of concentration. They are designed to provide a foundation upon which the student may build with the application of their chosen concentration.
EQ 100 | Orientation to Equine Studies | 0 |
EQ 101 | Introduction to Equine Studies | 3 |
EQ 103 | First Year Stable Management: Routine Horse Care/First Aid | 1 |
EQ 105 | First Year Stable Management: Routine Horse Care/First Aid | 1 |
EQ 111 | Training and Handling I | 3 |
EQ 200 | General Equine Health | 3 |
EQ 208 | Equine Nutrition | 2 |
EQ 209 | Applied Equine Feeding | 2 |
EQ 212 | Facilities and Farm Equipment Operations and Management I | 2 |
EQ 213 | Facilities and Farm Equipment Operations and Management II | 2 |
EQ 253 | Practicum I | 1 |
EQ 255 | Practicum II | 1 |
EQ 306 | Equine Lameness | 3 |
EQ 353 | Practicum III | 1 |
EQ 355 | Practicum IV | 1 |
EQ 453 | Leadership Practicum I | 1 |
EQ 455 | Leadership Practicum II | 1 |
EQ 490 | Equine Internship Experience | 6-12 |
EQ 495 | Equine Capstone | 2 |
Open Electives
Depending on student's choice of concentration, degree must reach 120 total credit hours with open, undistributed elective credit hours.
Equine Business Management Concentration
Course Requirements (22 credit hours)
BU 121 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
BU 241 | Principles of Management | 3 |
BU 251 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
BU 345 | Small Business Management | 3 |
EQ 304 | Equine Sales & Marketing | 3 |
EQ 308 | Equine Facility Design | 2 |
EQ 360 | Organization & Administration of Equine Operations I | 2 |
EQ 370 | Equine Business Law and Ethics | 3 |
Equine Communication Concentration
Course Requirements (23 credit hours)
EQ 206 | Introduction to Horse Judging & Evaluation | 3 |
EQ 304 | Equine Sales & Marketing | 3 |
EQ 370 | Equine Business Law and Ethics | 3 |
EQ 310 | Application of Software for Equine Operations | 2 |
CO 112 | Interpersonal Communications | 3 |
| | |
| Choose Three | |
EN 101 | Introduction to Mass Media | 3 |
EN 115 | Editing and Copywriting | 3 |
EN 157 | Professional Writing I | 3 |
AD 157 | Digital Imaging | 3 |
AD 257 | Digital Illustration and Design | 3 |
AD 315 | Photography II | 3 |
Equine Science Concentration
Course Requirements (20-22 credit hours)
EQ 307 | Functional Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse | 4 |
EQ 347 | Restraint and Handling Techniques for Pre-veterinary Students | 2 |
EQ 417 | Equine Environmental Management | 2 |
EQ 461 | Undergraduate Research in Equine Studies | 2-4 |
BI 141 | Principles of Biology I | 4 |
BI 141L | Principles of Biology I Laboratory | 0 |
BI 253 | Biostatistics | 3 |
| | |
MA 120 | Precalculus | 3 |
| Or | |
MA 121 | Calculus I | 3 |
Equine Training and Instruction Concentration
Course Requirements (24 credit hours)
EQ 214 | Theory of Basic Training | 2 |
EQ 244 | Introduction to Equine Instruction | 3 |
EQ 293 | English/Western Equipment and Tack Preparation | 3 |
EQ 314 | Theory of Basic Training Applied | 2 |
| | |
| Choose One | |
EQ 315 | Theory of Equitation | 2 |
| Or | |
EQ 316 | Basic Schooling | 2 |
EQ xxx
| Riding courses | 12 |